“When I Went To School…”

By Tonja Condray Klein©03/21/2021

When I went to school from 1977 through 1990 there were several subjects taught as FACTS to ALL students, NOT for a certain color, race, religion, community, or income: Biology is a SCIENCE invented by Aristotle in 384-322 B.C. through empirical investigation and has been the standard for medical research and development since; Mathematics began in GREECE during the 6th century B.C. with needed CALCULATIONS that are now used for the safety and proper production in many occupations of the past and the present; History may have different viewpoints depending upon their source or speaker, but they ALL are necessary to learn for complete understanding of our diverse country and the world, which is why there is local history, United States history, and World history. Opinions can vary but FACTS DO NOT.

1+1=2. See that period there? IT IS REALITY. It is NOT racist. It is NOT a point of debate. It is NOT something meant to confuse anyone working a regular math problem at any place in the known world. IF you have one (1) piece of gum and you add (+) one (1) piece of gum then you will have (=) two (2) pieces of gum. I’m 48 years old and have times of sickness, confusion, and even slight memory lapses, but I KNOW how to ADD (+), SUBTRACT (-), DIVIDE (/), and MULTIPLY (x) in real time. This is SIMPLE mathematics and FACT! ALGEBRA is a FACT. GEOMETRY is a FACT. TRIGONOMETRY is a FACT. CALCULUS is a FACT. Now when you get into theoretical mathematics with negative numbers or other calculations used for Quantum Physics then things change. THE OTHERS ARE ALL FACTS!

Why am I writing this? Well, have you looked at the homework of your kids, grandkids, or great-grandkids lately? I have helped my oldest niece and her children with many subjects over the years, and the changes of known methods that actually HELP do all the occupations we need done in this country are not only astounding but done on purpose to STOP children from learning basic skills that they need for the budget of their income. I took typing and business accounting in High School that helped me to get my first secretary jobs that didn’t require any more college training until I needed to make business websites nine years after high school graduation. I’m for education that helps student be trained for certain fields, but the education of 2021 is COMPLETELY INEPT compared to that of 1990!

Yes, I have had this mentality expressed in other op-eds I’ve done, but this one is full of absolute rage. Yes, I know you can’t fight the system or stop the machine either, but I DARE to BEAT the System and also RAGE AT the Machine! Will it do any good? Maybe not, but at least my typed voice could be heard and help people to see what we HAVE lost, what we are losing NOW, and what we COULD (GOD FORBID!) lose in the near future. I’m not being negative or against change that is proven as needed for the good of humanity. I AM against SCIENCE being lost as a PROVEN FACT that has been used against Christianity for centuries and any other ‘belief’ system of religion. I knew Science was NEVER against God Almighty who CREATED it to begin with. This reality is WHY it’s being tossed.

No reality is proven according to the academics in 2021. We CHOOSE what we want to be even if a Science formerly proved it without any doubt with empirical evidence that used to be demanded by scientists and inventors of disciplines needed for understanding, excelling with, and overcoming through any problem that could be solved if the right algorithm, calculation, timing, or lesson learned from the past could be used correctly. There is now NO right or wrong answer to a question for many subjects that used to have the student CRITICALLY THINK BY SCIENTIFIC COMARISON to come to the PROVEN FACT. PHILOSOPHY is NOT a Science but a Humanity study that has the opinions if different teachers or inventors to explain life questions of existence or thinking. It is ONLY opinions.

We’re facing academic totalitarian rule in classrooms. Critical Thinking is being dismissed. You either accept everything taught or you will fail the class or be labeled as someone who should be ‘re-educated’. This is the path to indoctrination of any premise of many different types of government that we have been fighting since this country’s creation. Men and women have fought and died to protect us FROM these horrible mind-controlling studies that are AGAINT EVERYTHING the United States of America stands for and WHY people around the world have tried to immigrate for centuries for the freedom we expect to have every day. Our Freedom is ending. The academics are no longer TEACHING or children; they are PROGRAMMING our children with things we DON’T want for them!

I’m not a parent, but I don’t want my two nieces’ children and grandchildren to be taught lies, conditioned to accept everything without the right to question or see proof for any given absolute taught. WE are not allowed to have absolutes, but THEY are allowed to give absolutes that they want future generations to accept as truth when their own absolutes are blatant misperceptions, absolute misdirection away from proof of the opposite, and down- right LIES. It used to be that academics USED to demand PROOF before teaching any given subject that is supposed to be proven FACTS. Used to be – a past tense past my own patience as someone who took my education very seriously! I studied these subjects and KNOW the TRUTH. I can’t be re-programmed! I also don’t want anyone’s kids to go through it!

Parents should NOT allow this to be happening! Go to your school’s board and make your own DEMANDS. They are teaching material that has been used to promote Marxism, Communism, and Totalitarian regimes that are all AGAINST the AMERCIAN models of legislation and government. What is happening RIGHT NOW is beginning to display it was an attempt to not just change the political party in power but an actual overthrow of Capitalism and our Democratic Republic. The Covid-19 pandemic made it possible for local, state, and federal government to gain almost total control of our rights. This has disenfranchised American citizens of their rights given by our Constitution and for longer than was stated. This was under the cover of ‘safety’, was maniacally planned, and then was blithely executed.

Now it’s already March of 2021, and we still don’t have all of our rights back even though we were promised it would only take weeks to ‘end the spread’. Ohio is doing better than other states with regaining rights, but we also don’t have as many as others at this point. I publishing my second book Christmas 2019 but was denied any opportunity to do book signings anywhere. I barely got Eirinth book 2 into the Library, but at least they didn’t stop that. I know any loved ones have been lost, and I don’t want to demean anyone still dealing with that. My husband had verified Covid-19 and recovered. I had the same symptoms first and survived. My mother almost died with a ‘virus’ that wasn’t verified, but symptoms she had later correlated to Covid-19. This is not about avoiding being affected by this pandemic. We were,

The main FACT is that government officials, media moguls, and academics are all trying to destroy the subjects that students need to be taught with FACTS instead of propaganda for government systems that generations of American soldiers fought against for the safety of OUR American citizens, OUR freedoms, and OUR way of life. This should NOT be allowed! Parents need to check out your schools and demand these types of lessons be STOPPED. IF they had tried to do this at Northridge when I was in school, my mother who was 41 when I was born would’ve been a FACT force to be reckoned with over something like this being allowed. We MUST maintain the integrity of Mathematics, Science, and History. If we don’t protect Fact-based lessons then this country will fall to ignorance and ideology worse than death!

As law-abiding American citizens, we are tasked with the protection of our freedom and that of our youth. We are responsible for the next generation, and as I’ve stated before, my generation failed their children in ways I grieve it. Their grandchildren might face even worse because of our mistakes in protecting all of the things that our parents did protect for us. As Ronald Reagan stated, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” This is frightening but very TRUE as we are witnessing it happen firsthand in 2021.

I don’t agree with any political party completely, but as a Christian American I have to vote my conscience. What is being systematically overthrown now is not only political but also academic. This is DANGEROUS. If our schools now only tell one side of History then that is indoctrination. If only one side of Science is shown then that is omission. If there is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-racial community that is told that Mathematics is racist instead of offering help for anyone needing it so they can excel then THAT is racist! It’s NOT the equations that can give them the real possibility of providing for a future family with better skills for a better life. THAT is the American Dream no matter what color, race, religion, or background you are. It is WHY Americans need to STOP the infiltration of LIES in this nation’s schools!

When “How Can I Not” Becomes “Why Should I” – Part 3

By Tonja Condray Klein©03/11/2021

First of all, I’d like to make it perfectly clear that every opinion of action is not only towards all others who claim to be Christians but also to me. I read the Bible study by Anne Graham Lotz in the DECISIONS magazine from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association March 2021 and was humbled as I read the scriptures she noted, saw the true beauty of the meaning to the Church of Jesus Christ, and wept as I repented of the times I had failed my Lord and Savior. THIS is how Revival truly begins. Judgement begins at the House of God! We need to listen to the Bible and the Holy Spirit.

It must have been increasingly depressing for those in captivity in the times of Daniel, Nehemiah, and Jeremiah in their land of Israel. How could they even think about speaking the words the Lord gave to them when their very lives were at risk? Yet they did. Over the course of history in this world, people of Judeo-Christian Faiths have had to do the same in the time of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Tao. Now in 2021 America, we might come to the point we will have to stand in the midst of possible punishment if we hold true to what the Torah and Holy Bible says we have to speak as being truth.

Americans have enjoyed Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, and Freedom of Religion since its creation. I personally have never had to fear sharing what I know the Holy Bible says about any subject in discussion, but now? This might no longer be allowed by American citizens even in discussion if views are opposite those of special interest groups that will be ‘protected’ from anything they view as ‘hate speech’. Opposing views that don’t use degrading metaphors or titles should NEVER be tagged as ‘hate speech’. Freedom of Speech protects speech we don’t agree with for a reason.

If we lose the ability to discuss, debate, and agree to disagree while still allowing people to express their views as safe personally then our country WILL NO LONGER BE FREE. This should not only upset those of faith or any religious belief but also those of different backgrounds and groups that want the right to open representation. “No taxation without representation” was the cry of patriots before the American Revolution. Why should we be forced to not speak what we believe is truth because someone else doesn’t agree? We EACH should have our voices be heard and openly allowed!

“How can I not?” is my cry in 2021. We have so many in groups that call themselves churches that live by ‘Why should I?” since it is convenient to not give friction between others who might not agree with them. John the Baptist was a non-conforming individualist who prepared the way for Jesus Christ to then stand against the religious groups in His time for the TRUTH that HE IS. Christians need to understand that we are not called to be silent. Jesus made a point that if the ones praising Him were silenced then the very rocks would cry out. I WON’T LET A ROCK TAKE MY PLACE!

One of the latest bills that has already passed in the House of Representatives recently and still needs to pass in the Senate would be very negative to those who have conservative views by actually making it illegal to express those viewpoints. THIS is DANGEROUS to our FREEDOM. I might not be able to even post links to my personal op-eds on social media sites like I do now if this happens. While some wouldn’t care about it happening to me, how would YOU feel if something YOU believe in was on that list of things no longer allowed to even be spoken about publically?

This seems Orwellian, right? Welcome to 2021 in America! If ever Christians began to pray against these things, speak out to our leaders, and come together as a united front then IT IS NOW. How can we allow our own freedom-loving Democratic Republic to turn into the land of the bound and home of the repressed? WE CAN’T. Freedom of Speech needs to remain protected for ALL AMERICANS! That has been one of our pillars of society since 1776. Even a historical date is being hit with the freight train of biased lies. Students are no longer being taught documented facts of history.

I’ve mentioned my disregard for present-day teaching mandates, and I will continue to do so for as long as I have rights, but I don’t do it because I disdain education. I was going to college with Teaching as my Minor! I had the grades in high school to get grants and scholarships to go for a Major in Computer Science and a Minor in Teaching if I hadn’t been ill and had to withdraw. Education in important, but only if facts are represented in curriculum. I have read different grade homework that my great-nieces would get me to help them with, and I knew the facts I’d learned were replaced with lies.

I’ve also mentioned the non-fiction novel LIVE NOT BY LIES: A MANUAL FOR CHRISTIAN DISSIDENTS by Rod Dreher. If you are as concerned for America in 2021 as I am, I suggest you get this novel and read it for not only historical facts all over the world but also the parallels we need to be aware of with what is happening in our country. I’m actually angry. My father fought and bled in World War II, and his brother died in combat that had my father being sent home. The changes happening now are not only a slap to every single veteran then and now but to military families too.

I don’t want socialism. I don’t want communism. I don’t want an oligarchy. I don’t want an authoritarian state. I WANT THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC MY UNCLE DIED FOR AND MY FATHER FOUGHT TO KEEP! I won’t sit by and stay silent anymore just to ‘get along’. The Facts are the Facts. Our way of government has been the envy of others in this world for generations. IT WORKS. The only time it doesn’t is when egomaniacs in government try to take control over WE THE PEOPLE, and THAT doesn’t work for long. Americans have always been FREE-thinkers.

Why has this ‘free-thinking’ suddenly deteriorated? Brainwashing students from grammar school through college with non-factual classes, forcing workers to be re-educated at work on non-work subjects, and constant media coverage of every single possible social stance that goes against every single spiritual leaning of mankind – yes, that would do it. It’s been going on for YEARS behind the curtain, but it’s now being thrust front and center in our own living rooms. Hey, if we want free stuff with free money and free time from not working to do whatever we want then NO free-thinking!

There are quite a few really BAD words that I’d like to use right now – FREE SPEECH, LEGAL GUNS, OPEN FAITH, PAYING JOBS, PERSONAL HEALTHCARE, ATOMIC FAMILY, and BIBLICAL MARRIAGE. Oooh… REALLY BAD WORDS! At least they are for those currently trying to destroy our country. While a couple of those are terms used during my Generation-X or earlier, if you have read, listened, or watched conservative news then you’ll know each of them by now. The point is that we NEED to realize what is happening and what is at stake NOW.

Blow ye trumpet in Zion! Sound the alarm in thy holy mountain! As Christians we should be spiritual Watchers on the Wall of our country the way those in the Old Testament were physically for Israel. I’m not trying to incite panic or a need for fear, but we do need to be MINDFUL of reality within the confines of Biblical prophetic possibilities. America has kept other forms of government from overtaking us for decades, and it’s up to US of legal age and citizenship to make sure we do everything legal to oppose what leaders are trying to do to our country in 2021 to deny Americans our rights.

What can we do? PRAY. Intercessors for America (IFA) is a great source and meeting media for Christians to pray together digitally online or on the phone first Friday of the month, Tuesdays and Thursdays too right now. VOTE. Even though they are trying to pass bills that will make your vote no longer count, do it while you still can. SHARE. No matter what way you use to spread the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ, do it while you can with the understanding that time is of the essence like never before in this country. We need the ELIJAH of each generation to STAND now. ~TK~

When “How Can I Not” Becomes “Why Should I” – Part 2 (03/01/2021)

By Tonja Condray Klein© 03/01/2021

One of the things that troubles me the most about the current situation with the Christian Church in 2021 is the absolute sense of complacency. While I have also been discouraged, upset, and even angry over current situations, I still seek to DO SOMETHING when I can for who needs it with what I have. I look around and see many churches seeming to sink into a sense of unimportance, trying to weather a storm that is overwhelming any fortress of worldly protection now. Where is the POWER OF GOD through His Holy Spirit in supposed believers of Jesus Christ and His shed Blood on Calvary? Where can a lost soul FIND SALVATION when churches are preaching a bunch of hackneyed platitudes that have NO SUBSTANCE and NO HOPE of doing anything for God Almighty? I’ve PERSONALLY seen the POWER OF GOD fall on Christ believers as ministers, singers, and musicians yield to an OUTPOURING of the Holy Spirit to the point of people being slain in the Spirit, healed, filled with Gifts, saved, and transformed! This is NOT a trick. This is NOT an illusion. This is NOT some plea for money. THIS IS A TRUE TOUCH OF GOD ALMIGHTY WE NEED!

When I graduated from high school I became a youth sponsor before I was even eighteen years old, but I saw the pews filled with young people, and many prayed at the alters to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit with any Gift God wanted to give to them to preach, testify, heal, mend, and lead people to the knowledge of Salvation in Jesus Christ. It wasn’t something you learned by rote. It wasn’t given as a pamphlet to memorize. It wasn’t a brainwashing exercise to get people emotionally integrated into a religious affiliation. IT IS REAL! I know because I was THERE, I experienced HIM, and I SAW what He did for anyone who sought HIM! No one can ever make me doubt it because I WAS THERE AND I KNOW JESUS AND HIS HOLY SPIRIT PERSONALLY!! Anyone who says anything else is a LIAR! I WAS THERE! I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW!!! I’ve been so blessed to have the Lord give Messages in Tongues through me and Interpretations in Tongues also through me. I pray in the Spirit every day, not because I have to but because when the Spirit touches my heart I can only praise my Jesus! This is not hysteria but Holy Fire!

In 1990, I was sure the greatest revival was going to break free and that I would probably be leaving soon. It’s now 2021, and I’m wondering WHAT HAPPENED? Did good spiritual soil get polluted by worldly comforts to tame us and false teachings to dull us? I recently listened to Andrus, Blackwood, and Company’s “Jesus, You’re So Wonderful”, R. W. Schambaugh’s “God Is God”, and DC Talk’s “Jesus Freak” and am still wondering, WHAT HAPPENED TO US? Generation-X, WHAT HAPPENED? Are ANY of you looking for Jesus? Are any of you feeling the need for MORE? Do any of you feel as useless as I do right now as we watch our country and world barreling towards Hell at an alarming rate? DO YOU!?! What else needs to happen to make us WAKE UP!?! We have failed the children of our generation, and now we’re failing our grandchildren! How many more generations do YOU want to give to Satan? HOW MANY MORE??? Do you want your grown children or grandchildren to go to Hell? Do you?!? I have my nieces and nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews, and now great-great-nieces and great-great-nephews I must reach NOW!

With all that is going on, where is the need for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in any way or media we can? I’ve tried to do it with music, novels, and written or audio blogs. The NEED is there. The TRUTH is there. The HEART is there. How can anyone ignore the people who are crying out for what we already have that they need EVERY SINGLE DAY AND NIGHT? Can you even hear them anymore? Have you allowed you heart to harden against anyone who isn’t in your group or denomination? Even though I’m full-Gospel and believe in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, anyone who has accepted Jesus as Savior is my brother or sister. If you are hurting, Jesus Christ is right there with His Holy Spirit ready to comfort, protect, inspire, strengthen, and call you according to God Almighty’s Divine Will! You don’t have to go to any building, confess to a priest or pastor, or even join a church. YOU JUST NEED TO SEEK JESUS AND HIS SPIRIT! It really is THAT SIMPLE. Salvation is through believing Jesus Christ died for your sins and accepting Him as your Savior, then asking the Holy Spirit to overflow you with God’s Gifts. God Almighty promised it to ANY who BELIEVE!

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was eight. When I was thirteen I called out to the pastor that I needed to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in other Tongues and was filled by praying for Jesus to use me as He would through His Gifts by His Holy Spirit overflowing me. You can do this where you are right now without even having another soul with you if you don’t know believers who have accepted this. Some refuse to believe that this Promise is still happening today and think it died out with the original apostles. IT DID NOT. Peter wrote in the book of Acts that this was for you, your children, your children’s children, and those afar off, as many as the Lord shall call.” That is NEVER ENDING until after the Church Age ends, which will include the Rapture of Christ believers that include the Messianic Jews that have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior too. You don’t have to accept any of the Gifts. You don’t have to speak in tongues. You don’t have to do anything but accept Jesus as Savior to be SAVED. The Gifts are just an added benefit to help those willing to do MORE, especially in the Last Days. We are getting CLOSE.

Once again, this is not to alarm you to do something stupid like stockpile goods or riches. This is to OPEN YOUR EYES to what God Almighty in Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit wants you to be equipped with to finish ushering in the actual FINAL GREAT REVIVAL! I want to see people SAVED. I want to see people HEALED. I want to see people DELIVERED. I want to see people FILLED. I want to see people SHOUT. I want to see people SING IN THE SPIRIT. I want to see people DANCE IN THE SPIRIT. I want to see people FREED! Don’t you want Jesus Christ through His touch with the Holy Spirit to SET YOU FREE? I DO!!! Not an emotional turmoil or some pretend spiritual act. I WANT THE REAL POWER OF GOD ALMIGHT TO FALL AGAIN! I’ve felt Him. I’ve had Him flow through me as I fell out under the honest Spirit of God Almighty. No one pushed me down. I felt the Presence of the Holy Spirit RUSH over me like a mighty wave! It was liberating! It was empowering! It was soothing! It was mending! It was God Almighty able to flow through Tonja Renee Condray to restore what I was meant to be since before I was born again through Jesus Christ.

Many of the present so-called ‘churches’ who claim to be Christians don’t seem to be anything but dried up empty meetings with bagels and coffee. No Spiritual Gifts. No Biblical Teachings. No Life Changes. No Personal Growth. Just NOTHING! When you have to get a ‘consultant’ to tell you exactly what you can and can’t have in your church to get the ‘right kind’ of members then you better just STOP. If there is no REAL ANOINTING OF GOD ALMIGHTY’S HOLY SPIRIT then you have NOTHING. All the money in the world that your members give will burn one day in the crucible of God Almighty at the Judgement Seat of Christ… if you make it there and don’t end up at the White Throne Judgement. Each of us need to REALLY INSPECT OURSELF! Revival begins in the House of God! I don’t care how long you’ve been sitting in a pew or using the same hymnal, if you don’t have a LIVING relationship with Jesus Christ then YOU ARE NOT SAVED. The Gifts are a separate thing, so don’t misunderstand me. Gifts are secondary, but SALVATION is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you need to analyze for yourself. WE NEED TO BE SAVED FIRST!

All of this really is Christianity 101. I want the REVIVAL with the GIFTS, but SALVATION is FIRST. All the rest will fall in line once we realize that God Almighty has more for us than dried up pruned rules and boring council meetings to figure out what kind of pews to buy for comfort. WE NEED OPEN FLOORS TO LET US SHOUT! WE NEED GOSPEL MUSIC TO BREAK OUR PRIDE! WE NEED BIBLE WORDS TO PIERCE OUR HEARTS TO GAIN SALVATION THROUGH A RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST! WE NEED SHEETS FOR WHEN THE WOMEN GET HIT WITH THE POWER OF GOD AND FALL IN THE SPIRIT AS THEY PRAISE IN TONGUES! WE NEED THIS! One time at the church where I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, we had a service where the Holy Spirit interrupted it with a message, the pastor stopped preaching, the people started shouting, and the whole congregation went around the pews shouting with joy since GOD WAS WITH US! We didn’t plan it. We didn’t interfere with it. We didn’t turn away from it. WE EMBRACED HIM THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST AS OUR SAVIOR! That is God’s POWER.

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are meant to verify our Faith with believers, show the Power of God with unbelievers, and break the shackles of the world away from anything that God Almighty is doing at that time in people’s lives. THIS IS WHY. It’s not rocket science, people! It’s God Almighty Proof. People have tried to pretend it, but real believers know a fake. People have tried to sell it, but it is without price through Faith in Jesus Christ that is FREE. It doesn’t have a list of expectations, but once you accept the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, He will let you know when something isn’t right, when it IS right, and when you need to just let Him be there with nothing more but His Peace. I still mess up and sin at times even though I pray in Tongues at least once a day. I’m not perfect, but that’s why I need Jesus as Savior in the first place. The Holy Spirit will reprove you if you try to wander down the wrong path, but you can keep NOT LISTENING and end up in a heap of trouble. You can always repent, turn away from what lead you off, and come back to the foot of the Cross where Jesus is always WAITING to FORGIVE and RESTORE you! PRAY AND ACCEPT HIS GIFTS TOO! ~TK~

When “How Can I Not” Becomes “Why Should I” – Part 1

By Tonja Condray Klein(c)02/24/21

Within the seven churches mentioned in Revelation of the Christian Bible, the one I most abhor and pity would be Laodicea. Each church except Philadelphia have at least one vice or shortcoming to account for at the Judgment Seat of Christ that occurs after the Rapture of the Church of believers who are saved by Faith in the blood of the Lamb of God and rescued to Heaven before the Great Tribulation begins on Earth. Most in biblical study have concurred that this will be the last church in the chronological phase of the Church Age that is also the Grace Dispensation for eschatology.

I’ve been a born-again Christian since I was eight years old and accepted Jesus Christ as my Personal Savior. I began singing at church when I was eleven and also writing songs. I was filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in other Tongues when I was thirteen. I began teaching children’s church when I was fourteen. I have always wanted to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with my testimony and singing for forty years of my life. I began writing stories while in middle school, but my calling began with writing my first Eirinth Fantasy novel in 2009.

Fiction writing has been stated as a waste of time and energy in some academic and even Christian groups, but I hold up my writing of this as an example of trying to reach some with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that can keep them from using their pre-conceived ideas of Christianity to lock their hearts away from letting the truth of Jesus Christ even find a way to give them what their heart, soul, and body needs more than anything else in this existence. Jesus Christ used ‘parables’ that were simply ‘stories’ to get into the weary hearts of men and women closed off by dead religion.

The One True Living God Almighty as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is longing for His Church to SEE what’s going on around them, REPENT from hard-heartedness, and FIND all the ways to reach this dying world for HIS GLORY and THEIR SALVATION THROUGH JESUS CHRIST! We have TOO MANY pharisaical churches now that make the ones that crucified Jesus Christ seem like milkweeds. We are supposed to ALL want people to KNOW JESUS! ALL!!! Not a few. Not those you want. Not those who can help your position in men’s eyes. ALL who can be SAVED!

Christianity is NOT a closed group, a member-only club through church acceptance, or a religious wheel of propriety that shows how holy they are and how evil everyone else is. THAT IS NOT RIGHT! JESUS SAID ANY! I will LIVE AND DIE by that mandate… ANY!!! If you have been made aware of your sin, you understand that Jesus Christ died in your place for them, and you ask HIM for forgiveness and offer your life to HIM to cleanse, heal, and empower then YOU ARE SAVED. No church has the right to disown you. JESUS CHRIST accepts you if you make HIM yours.

Why do I despise Laodicea so much? I despise it since I see it EVERY SINGLE DAY. Our world is living in the Last Days specified in the biblical prophetic texts. I’m not a scholar. I’m not a clergy woman. I’m not even degreed by any school for biblical studies. I read. I pray. I watch. I compare. I know. Could there be more years than I think? Yes. Does that mean I’m going to let my “How can I not” become a “Why should I”? NO! I should and am trying to keep sharing all I know for as long as I can. Does that mean I can reach millions? No, but if just ONE is reached, it matters.

Laodicea is one of the greatest fallacies of faith in the span of time for this entire world. Seeming to be wise, they become fools. Thinking they have everything they become poor. Lying to themselves and each other that they are all holy they become blind. Look around! How many churches do you see in your home area, but how many are showing the Love of Jesus with Truth of sin and Need of the Savior? NOT THAT MANY. Thousands, nay millions fill our streets, but how many are trying to reach people’s hearts? They are DEAD churches with DRY bones that need NEW LIFE!

I wrote Eirinth to try to get those claiming to know Jesus Christ to see that the Gifts of the Spirit are REAL in our world even if the world of Eirinth is allegorical. I thought that people would understand and embrace the reality of the gifts to empower His Church in these last days now more than ever. I at least thought it could be used to reach those in certain reading groups to give Christianity a chance with this different approach. These two books so far in 2021 are my HEART! My complete LOVE OF JESUS AS MY SAVIOR is also pain for the lost as His Ambassador of Hope.

I know that many in the true church of Jesus Christ are tired, worn, discouraged, depressed, powerless, and even angry. I am all of those things too right now. I just have a fire burning in my soul that will not let me stop sharing what I know that I KNOW. Not fiction, but a story that leads to Life Eternal, especially in Book 2 with a very dramatic Salvation in Eirinth with references to Christ to reach the souls of those still searching for what I ALREADY HAVE – JESUS! He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I’m living proof in 2021. SEEK HIM. FIND HIM. KNOW HIM. HE NOW WAITS!

ARE YOU WATCHING? = Op-Ed by Tonja Condray Klein©02/17/21

***King James Holy Bible Translations with added underlines and full scripture Book names instead of abbreviations.***

Psalms 102:7 = I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top.

Habakkuk 2:1 = I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.

In the Old Testament of the Holy Bible of Christianity, even those who were in the Old Covenant had the understanding of needing to WATCH. Usually it was about those who watched for physical enemies that the Jewish Nation of Israel always had to be aware of for their own existence. Jesus Christ, as Messiah to Messianic Jews and Savior to Christians, gave the New Covenant and that call was given to His followers also in the spiritual realm. As we approach times that are seeing what seems to be more prophecies being fulfilled then we need to take the responsibilities as believers in Jesus Christ seriously. Whether Messianic Jews or Christians, we need to follow what the New Testament told followers of Christ to do NOW.

Matthew 24:42-43 = Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.

Matthew 25:13 = Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Matthew 26:41 = Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Those who claim to be believers in Salvation through the Blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ as Savior and Son of God Almighty our Creator, are YOU watching NOW? In the time of Apostle Matthew after Jesus Christ rose then ascended back to Heaven, believers in Him were already WATCHING for Jesus Christ to return in their own time. That was over two thousand years ago, and Christ believers have been told to keep WATCHING during all of this time. Can it feel like an endless and sometimes useless occupation while our world is going through some of the greatest catastrophes known to mankind? It might seem so if you don’t keep reading what the Word of God says about this in more than one book and in the New Testament directly to Christians then and now.

Mark 13:33-40 = Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch. Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.

As believers in Jesus Christ and what He did for us, we have become His porters commanded to WATCH. Are you seeing the signs in this world? Are you searching the Holy Bible prophecy scriptures to see them line up with the news? Are you WATCHING? This is important for us to gain a solid understanding about this. If we are the Bride of Christ He promised to return to take away before the Great Tribulation begins then why wouldn’t we be continually studying, praying, reading, witnessing, and WATCHING? Jesus Christ was very adamant about what happened with the ten foolish virgins. I want to be found as a wise virgin when Jesus returns in the skies like He promised He would! Could I die before that happens? Yes, but probably not if things keep lining up in 2021.

Luke 12:37-40 = Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not. Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.

We are supposed to be the servants of Jesus Christ by choice like Jesus Himself washed the feet of His Apostles as a lesson to them to not think more of themselves or their calling than their SAVIOR did. Believers likened to servants is to show that we’re NOT to be walled into a stone mausoleum of a church with our riches while sinners are forgotten and left to die in their sins and go to Hell. We are to be vigilant in seeing the signs foretold of in the Bible as the Last Days and raise a WARNING to believers and non-believers, not to cause a fearful religious experience or massive social panic, but to teach those willing to see the Truth of what must be accomplished to keep the WATCH so believers can see more Salvations of the lost. That should be the focus!

Matthew 25:1-13 = Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

1Thessalonians 5:6 = Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

2Timothy 4:5 = But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

1Peter 4:7 = But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.

Revelation 3:3 = Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

How many people who claim to be believers in Christ are without oil, don’t have their lamp wick trimmed, and basically aren’t caring if Jesus Christ returns or not? How many are asleep right now and refuse to wake up even if it would mean they would see loved ones left behind WHEN (NOT IF) the Rapture (taking away or calling away) of the believers in Christ occurs? How many can’t seem to be sober (nor serious) about anything concerning the possibility they could lose their family’s immortal souls by not doing what Jesus Christ called us to do and His Apostles also directed us to do? This is NOT A GAME. This is the REALITY of the time in 2021. WAKE UP, BELIEVERS IN CHRIST! ARE YOU NOW WATCHING?

It’s About WHO You Know – Op-Ed 01/29/21

By Tonja Condray Klein©01/29/21

As Americans plunge into the new year of 2021, changes are happening that many may not even realize the significance of when it comes to our freedoms, our rights, and our responsibilities. I’m the daughter of a deceased U.S. veteran of World War II born in 1913, so I will probably react very differently than most of my generation since my dad was already 59 years old when I was born. Yes, I will be 49 this year, my mother turns 90, and my sister will be 71. We each have her own viewpoints of how to live her own life, but all three of us know the fundamental truth in the title.

During different decades the truth in the title never really has faltered – whether in places of employment, groups in society, or even at school it always was about WHO you knew to get the best position, the best material goods, or the best clubs to add skills to your academics. There was a time when I was younger and in church that I didn’t think that it mattered there, but I’m seeing a disparity even in those places where it should never be about ‘who’ as far as people, but more about the WHO as in God Almighty through Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case.

I believe in Grace through Faith and that not of myself. I believe that my standing in church should be about the love that I show others to express the Love of God the Father as His child. While I work to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the infilling of the Holy Spirit, I don’t ‘earn points’ or get a higher ‘ranking’ with God for any of it. While I sometimes doubt that Truth and try to PROVE that I am spiritually minded I usually fall flat on my face when I feel so good about what I’ve done that I forget what Jesus Christ already did for me and through me for you. HE is WHO!

I have always had too much pride in my abilities at school when it came to my grades since I was so sick it was truly a miracle that I got good grades at all. I try to give Jesus the glory since He was the One to save me then give His Holy Spirit to me for help in this world. Yet still, I might try to write more enigmatically (big word that perhaps shows intellect) than I should to prove that I’m not a blonde idiot. Yes, the blonde thing is another issue I’ve dealt with in life though my mother says I didn’t, but she wasn’t at school or work with me. What I’m learning now is NOT the WHAT.

I have heard some of the most prevalent educational people say the DUMBEST things in my almost 49 years. I am aware that you are supposed to spell out the age, but I’m trying to be more honest, open, and less vernacularly high. For anyone who knows that word then you know I’m making a joke about that adjective. I LOVE the English language! Grammar, adjectives, and complex sentences always got great grades in English class, and since I’m a writer by choice now I’m not going to apologize for wanting people to look up what some words mean. There is a point in stating that.

Jesus doesn’t want you to memorize the statutes in Leviticus, the genealogy of the church fathers, or the main feasts celebrated in ancient times. Jesus doesn’t want you to quote scripture for the sake of impressing those at the church you attend either. Jesus wants you to know HIM. Reading the Holy Bible helps you to know HIM. Praying each time you need to helps you to know HIM. Going to church to fellowship with fellow believers in the Salvation He bled to give to you helps you to know HIM. It’s not about us. It’s always about HIM – Jesus Christ, Son of God and Savior.

Do you KNOW HIM? Even when doubt slips into my consciousness after 41 years serving Jesus Christ as my Savior, Lord, King, and God, I still have to remind myself of the simple Truth I will believe with my dying breath – I KNOW HIM. Not a religion. Not a principle. Not a philosophy. When I hear a Spirit-inspired song play and cry, I do it because I KNOW HIM. When I read scriptures and think about how He was even before those words were, I KNOW HIM. When I feel the Holy Spirit move inside my heart and soul during the rough times then I KNOW HIM.

It’s personal. It’s passionate. It’s poignant. It’s more than I’ll ever deserve, more than I can ever repay, and more than I will ever be able to truly explain. The Bible says He sings over those He loves. I sometimes think I can hear a song now one else ever has, and though I may be imagining it, I will still try to listen to just a moment to catch the words to use for a song I might write to share with others. It truly is something worth living for, worth dying for, worth giving for, and worth everything. Do I ever want my books to be known and enjoyed by readers? Sure, but I’d rather YOU KNOW HIM.

Glad Tidings with Mixed Signals – Part 2 (Op-Ed 01/25/21)

By Tonja Condray Klein(c)11/25/21

“While what is going on may not affect us personally yet, what is going on will keep getting closer to affecting EVERYONE. Church of Jesus Christ, we MUST begin praying intercession and protection over this country’s freedoms we have enjoyed our whole lives but have taken for granted for probably that long too. Hold onto your faith. Reach out to others that need to know Jesus as Savior. Support each other and let baseless arguments end. We need to be in one mind and one accord to see the hand of the Lord rescue us, whether physically in this world or spiritually to get ready to leave this world. The endgame may have begun. Read Ezekiel 37, for it seems to already be happening right now … the people of Israel are returning to their country. That might mean 38 and 39 are upon us, and if so then we might be leaving sooner than was expected. Pray. Read. Share. Church of the Living God, Redemption is drawing nigh to ALL who know Jesus Christ as their Savior. We NEED a Revival of HIS people – ALL of the Christians and Messianic Jews alike! Read the Book, DON’T WAIT FOR THE MOVIE like White Heart’s song stated in 1986! Like so many of their songs that were prophetic then, they are even more so NOW in 2021.”

The words in the quotes was a post I put on Facebook 01/24/21. I thought it was only going to be a ‘post’, but as I thought about it hours later I realized it was the beginning of another Op-Ed meant for a much larger media outlet sharing. While it said what I was thinking about the most then it didn’t give the whole picture I’d intended. In case anyone thought I was making up the claim that many were going back to Israel then you would be completely wrong. I based this fact on actual verified news from two sources. It’s been happening actually since before Covid-19.

Due to several word-wide situations happening, including here in the United States, I’m aware that Christians all over the world are dealing with what all who claim Christ might face in even a few years from now if the Rapture doesn’t take place soon. Yes, I realize that people have been claiming that the Rapture would be happening at their certain dates, events, or ‘signs’ for as long as the oldest living person in 2021 has been alive. There are still defining things that really haven’t been around before now though, so those changes do make a difference that matters.

Technology has become a continually changing thing that could create some things spoken of in prophecy that couldn’t be explained properly by previous writers from hundreds to thousands of years ago. Even physical descriptions of today’s weapons would be different and unable to even be imagined for centuries. In writing my Eirinth Book 2 with characters from present-day Earth translated to medieval style Eirinth, I realized how different things could be viewed in that situation… computers and screens alone would be seen as ‘supernatural’ in nature.

Point of view is a thing that all writers have to consider while writing scenes, emotions, places, and even fighting sequences. With all of the different countries involved in following the anti-Christ and in the fighting during the end of the Great Tribulation Battle of Armageddon, I have to shake my head in horror and sadness from thinking about those that are on Earth then. My point of view right now is before the actual time, and I’m trying to find something to help as many as I can to understand that God Almighty made the Way to keep anyone from being in that!

How can mankind refuse the loving gift of Grace that costs you nothing but belief? “Wait!” some of you shout in anger, “I can’t do this, and I can’t do that, so it costs me everything I want!” When you really understand and believe that Jesus Christ died to save you from Hell then you WANT to follow what HE told His believers to do. ALL of what He says to NOT do IS to protect you. Do I understand WHY? Yes. It really helps if you study what the Christian Holy Bible says to see the reasoning for the whys and the NOTs. Doing a ‘NOT’ can end up being deadly.

I have drunk alcohol. I have smoked cigarettes. I have had sex outside of marriage. I have cussed. I have written some things that I will see burned up in front of me at the judgement seat of Christ too. I’m not perfect. I simply accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty in the Son. Do I ever doubt? Yes, I do. I also tell God all the time that IF I’m wrong and end up disappearing from existence at my death instead of being in Heaven with Him, then how could I have felt His Holy Spirit in me with His gifts being used? That IS my proof!

I would rather believe on Jesus Christ than go in the direction of any religion. They would lead to eternity in Hell with Satan and his demons. Heaven with Jesus or even existence dust would be MUCH BETTER than the alternative. All the other religions I’ve studied have a person ‘work’ for any hope of not being destroyed. The love and fellowship of my Jesus versus the coldness of religion is not even a point I consider. I’ve had the Holy Spirit move through me for the past 35 years in private and in church services, and that’s WHY doubt falls to my Faith experience.

Test the Holy Spirit. God told us to seek, ask, test, and even question in several scriptures. God Almighty wants for us to KNOW HIM PERSONALLY. This is what all ‘religions’ can’t understand. While Christianity is categorized as that too and even has songs with that designation used, I think we really should call it a Supernatural Experience instead. This is WHY the apostles were told to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit to come to them. Jesus wanted them to have the Comforter to remind them, console them, teach them, and empower them so doubt would fail.

It’s easy to get bewildered, frustrated, downtrodden, fearful, and even depressed right now with the crazy things going on in this world. I sometimes wish I could travel back in time to when things seemed more balanced than they are now. Then I think about possibly missing the moment when Jesus Christ returns to take His people, both Christians and Messianic Jews home to Heaven, and I can’t afford to miss THAT! I’m encouraging every person to take a spiritual test regarding Jesus Christ, compare the scriptures with the news, and PRAY for God to give you His Light!


I’m supposed to be writing my third Eirinth Fantasy Novel, but right now I’m distressed at seeing the possible end to a couple of my freedoms soon, and I feel helpless to do anything about it. As a born-again Spirit-filled believer in Jesus Christ as Savior, I’m also seeing the possibility that book 3 can’t be published because of that loss of freedom and the fact that as a Christian I might be translated from here at any time. While I think this could happen during the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah, it could happen as soon as the last person in the current church age accepts Jesus Christ as their Savior.

The Christian happening of the Rapture or ‘calling away’ has been dismissed, debated, and fought over probably since Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven. I’m not going to argue with someone who disagrees with me over whether it will happen BEFORE the Great Tribulation (Pre-Trib), DURING (Mid-Trib), AFTER (Post-Trib), or NO Tribulation (called A-Millennial). I’m a Pre-Tribber myself just to make my stance perfectly clear. While I understand reasons for the other stances, I don’t agree with their layout of the scriptures or reasons for their interpretations of them.

Could I be wrong? Stranger things have happened, but probably not with this. Why? The accepted explanation in the churches that believe this is that the anti-Christ can’t take over until the Holy Spirit in the Christ believers has left this dimension. The Christian Bible book of Revelation has the ‘churches’ listed until John is ‘called up’ in Chapter 4, which is seen as a preview of the church. No ‘church’ is mentioned again until Jesus Christ returns for Armageddon, and then a New Jerusalem descends from Heaven near the end of Revelation. This isn’t an illusion or fiction story. It’s the future.

Yay! Bring out the balloons, party poppers, food galore, and lots of beautiful clothes to celebrate! Wait… not so fast. The Christian Bible also tells in the Gospel and Apostle Books that in ‘the end times’ that “dangerous times” will be here. Oh. That seems rather ominous. Yes, it is. As things change for America in 2021, things will probably get as bad as those of us in my generation of Gen-Xers have ever seen. Then again, it’s my generation that’s just now getting to the age where we are no longer that important to the majority of any group in our country. It’s pretty sad and very frustrating.

Most of us are grandparents now. I’m not, but my brother’s oldest daughter is, making me be a great-great aunt. In other words, Gen-X is OLD NOW. My best friend from high school is a grandma too. While I deal with my allergies and Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (MS), I don’t actually feel OLD. Do I feel sickly more often than I used to? Yes. Do I feel OLD? No! I published my second Fantasy novel and have five more named. I was getting ready to begin Book 3, SEEKING THE LIGHT, but I’m concerned that what I should be writing is more of this right now while I can.

The tightening of control over media outlets has already begun. I might not have my pages on Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, or even Live Journal at some point. I might lose my two websites that I post most content on all the time too. This is really BAD for more conservative-minded individuals. It is ALSO a complete misuse of power. This is NOT to cause anything with violence or demeaning of other individuals. This is to inform my fellow believers and those not yet believers of what is coming down the turnpike soon. I’m used to being FREE! This will be completely unacceptable!

Once total control happens then I don’t know how I will be able to keep in contact with people I know, family that are in different areas of the USA, or even the people around the world who listen to my music or read my books. THIS IS NOT OKAY. As it was for so many during the pandemic interfering with their interaction, this may begin interfering with my creative passion. Now if the powers that be try to quell me and then think they can make me follow their rules for the sake of rules, think again. They might end up with one of the Robert Wallaces of the 21st Century… FREEDOM!

I am very well aware that Wallace DIED for his freedom. I really don’t want to have to die, but if what they ask of me goes against my moral conscience or personal beliefs then I might have to at that point. I’m not going to be violent and will be as legal in my actions as I can for as long as I can. I just know that Americans will only let people abuse their trust and sensibilities to a certain point. I’m praying that government, media, and companies that are warning us that we won’t be as free as we were before will THINK before they DO anything against our country’s GIVEN RIGHTS to the people.

All of us who use multi-media to keep in touch with those we know and love might want to find other ways to do that beyond what media moguls allow. Old school ways to communicate might need to be re-learned. I’m a real webpage designer for private business so this hurts me to my core, but those days might come to an end as far as my right to write and post my opinions. This makes me angry. If I wasn’t a Christian it would make me react worse, and I have to rein in my emotions now still. I’m livid, and I can’t ignore it, but I can try my best to calm my actions from my reactions to it.

So what does all of this mean? I’m not really sure. In eschatological terms the Christians might be leaving sooner than expected in 2021 or later. In real-time terms the Christians could be leaving sooner than expected too. In world-view terms the Christians better leave sooner than they expected for our sakes. We don’t know exactly WHEN since ‘no man knows the day or the hour’ according to the Christian Bible, but we’re supposed to know the season. Do we? Do you? Many have preached for my almost forty-nine years that the Church would be crying out for Jesus to return. Are we?

IF we no longer have FREEDOM, will we cry out? IF we no longer can see our loved ones at all, will we cry out? IF we no longer can sing songs of praise to our Savior, will we cry out? IF we no longer can get food or medicine, will we cry out? IF we can no longer refuse to get documents in digital format or take vaccines that are questionable, will we cry out? IF we can no longer go between states without having government papers of travel, will we cry out? IF we can no longer work anywhere if a past moment of peaceful Free Speech is noted that we’re tagged with, will we cry out?

What are you willing to allow happen against OUR FREEDOM to make you finally cry out?

“The Attack on Freedom of Speech in 2021”

Op-Ed by Tonja Condray Klein©01/17/21

There was a time in my older sister’s life before I was born when the issue of Freedom of Speech made people rise up against censorship and called those actions illegal according to the First Amendment. It led to varied stances for society, education, and personal liberty, and while it began to protect views against a party in power, it also held for all opposite views to be protected too. Now, certain media outlets are beginning to take accounts away from those with an opposing view to silence them. We must maintain Freedom of Speech for ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS in 2021!

The First Amendment of the United States of America’s Constitution states that, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech; or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It has been understood that this amendment protects American citizens with the right to express views on any issue in open forums, and that the government can’t deprive you of that unless it’s classified and could danger our country’s safety.

There are many ideas, concepts, descriptions, or expletives that I will never support and try to stay away from as much as humanly possible; but I also support the right for those that support one or all of them to express or support any of them as long as not expressly illegal for them to do so since FREEDOM OF SPEECH is for every legal American. Is this troublesome to me at times? Yes. Will I still support this amendment even if I don’t agree with the content used by someone else that has a view opposite of mine? Yes. Why? Right or wrong, this is an important American Freedom!

As long as a person’s freedom doesn’t take away the freedom of another then it is what this country was founded upon in 1776 and upheld for over two hundred-forty-five years; but now different methods of speech are being limited by media outlets claiming the speech goes against stated rules for users. While private companies have that right, if they are working with government agents who DO have to follow the First Amendment, then their users’ First Amendment rights ARE being violated since the company is no longer ‘private’ in the way the other statutes require it to be for protection.

If the company rules are examined and the speech is blocked when it doesn’t obviously violate the rules listed for users, then that makes it become a form of suppression that has been used by other kinds of governments but NOT with a democratic republic such as ours. This is something this country has fought against since its creation. If it’s allowed then it will mean at least half of our country will no longer be allowed to have the same rights as those who will agree with the new political regime that will govern for four years. ALL AMERICANS SHOULD HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH!

Will this op-ed change the minds of those who have actually been taught false government history that is against our democratic republic? I would say, “Probably not”. Mind-altering programming in education has taken away the rights of children to learn historical FACTS or more than one viewpoint for them to decide if they want history to repeat or not. Some things do have more than one side for a discussion, but others are not only globally true but also universally. Once Freedom of Speech is removed from a major dissenting group then those taking power make slaves out of all the others.

Mankind has always tried to exert personal power over others throughout history, but THIS IS NOT AMERICA! Humanity is flawed, and we have failed often, but our country’s founders tried to make America an example at that time of what FREEDOM should strive to be. While we have had our moments of leaders failing groups of people in the past, 2021 should not put us in any of those positions again! Rights as stated in our Constitution should be legislated as stated and not changed on the whim of a certain group with political bias that defeats our government system as a whole.

As a Protestant Christian I don’t want my faith to be persecuted or for those who share it to be silenced. I have friends who are Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Islamic, and Wiccan so I want their rights to be protected too. We should all have the right to declare our faith as Free Speech allows, compare differences if agreed upon by those in discussion, and not attack each other physically unless in defense. Any other issue should be peacefully debated by those with differing viewpoints. Generations since mine seem to have lost the ability to do any of this at all, and that’s sad and wrong.

I have two webpages that I am now concerned about losing simply because of my viewpoints, opinions, and faith; this is something I never thought I’d face in my lifetime. I have family and friends who are on the opposite side of politics and religion, but I want their rights to be kept free as much as I want my own to be. THAT is a democratic republic. Now if I’m right about my Christian faith and Jesus Christ returns to rule from Jerusalem after the Great Tribulation, then I’ll embrace HIS Theocracy since it will be by our Creator and my Savior. Until then, a democratic republic is my choice.

Facebook, Linked-In, and even LiveJournal may not allow my opinion editorials to be shared on their platforms, but I’m hoping that they and the website hosts will NOT try to silence differing opinions simply for the sake of power. I don’t seek power but want equal justice for ALL Americans regardless of race, color, creed, religion, or gender. THAT’S the American way I was raised on, and I want to have the FREEDOM to share what I know with whomever I wish if they are willing to read or listen. What they do after that is up to them. I WANT FREEDOM OF SPEECH PROTECTED!

“Quantum Tunnel Me Up, Jesus!” OP-ED 01/07/21

By Tonja Condray Klein©01/07/21

I’ve been studying a lot of odd things over the past few years that at first seemed more the “Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fiction Lover” part of me than the “Christian End-of-Times Salvation Writer” part of me. As things seem to be changing in direct and despairing ways, I’ve recently noticed that these two parts of me are finally making sense as those two divergent ways also seem to be merging. Why would a certain part of our government demand another part of our government to give any factual information on extra-terrestrial beings that apparently has been found, studied, and even examined physically?

When Nick Pope appeared on Tucker Carlson’s program on Fox News, I took notice of it since I’ve also been an intellectual watcher of “Ancient Aliens” as research for my Non-Fiction Christian Speculative novel, and Nick Pope is a regular. I wrote an essay on my tribulationhelp.com website already about how ‘extra-terrestrials’ could be linked later as a way to discount the ‘Rapture’ of Christian believers when we supernaturally disappear from this Earth. With the sudden change in leadership in 2021, the government may not share anything about ‘aliens’ until it is of greatest convenience.

I’m not the only Christian asking about these intersections of science fiction and Christian eschatology either. At one point many scientists were also Christians in this world but not in 2021. It seems that when science began discounting Christianity, many Christian leaders decided to discount them and claim that science itself was evil. Spiritual forefathers abandoned scholastics, and that’s why academia has become a weapon against God. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ARE the Creators of science! When God the Creator said, “Let there be light”, the Word began all science disciplines!

I took three years of Chemistry and loved all of the complexities of combining different elements to cause various reactions. It spoke to me as a person of imagination and was also why I created my one character translated from Earth in TREADING THE PATH to be able to do it visually in the mythical parallel world of Eirinth. If I can write my stories in 2021 to have some truth in the fiction, what do you think people have been doing for the thousands of years we’ve been here? The ‘myths’ possibly locked away in Alexandria by the Christian leaders centuries ago might be history instead.

“That’s crazy!” some of you may yell in outrage. Are you forgetting ‘Parables’ Jesus used in His teachings to reach the people emotionally and practically? “But any fiction is false and evil!” more of you cry out in anger. The last time I checked my Holy Bible, JESUS NEVER SINNED! How could parables (spoken stories meant for a purpose but NOT actually happening) be evil if spoken by Jesus Christ, Son of the One True Living God Almighty? IF DONE FOR THE SAME PURPOSE – TO LEAD PEOPLE TO SALVATION – THEY AREN’T! Wake up and read the Truth!

I know there are a lot of people who claim to be ‘Christian’ that haven’t really accepted Jesus Christ as his or her Personal Savior. Like the ‘Republicans in name only’ or RINOS, those who don’t KNOW JESUS aren’t His. I seriously don’t want a single person to not understand the distinction and be lost on this Earth, especially after Christ believers are relocated to Heaven while destruction on Earth happens as judgement. I know it’s been warned about for centuries, but don’t you think the longer is seems to take means the closer we are to the spiritual ENDGAME? Use your brain!

Yes, you are dealing with someone who loves the Marvel hero movies! Did you ever wonder why there are so many fictional heroes that have been created over the existence of time? Whether we are talking about musical, mystical, mythological, science-fictional, or anime-central these all point to what each person’s soul longs for… the Savior! It is in our genes, programmed into our DNA by the Creator of all existence, and crying out for what our fallen sin-nature fights against. THAT is WHY we NEED a SAVIOR! Not just any hero but the One willing to become flesh without sin for us!

The link in all of this is actually simple. The angel Lucifer fell to become Satan and tried to pollute the bloodline of humanity through having other fallen angels bed human women to create ‘Giants’ spoken of in the Torah, Holy Bible of Christianity, and proven history. The ‘Nephilim’ in Hebrew were to stop Jesus Christ from being able to be born intact. IF Satan could have every human woman have even a bit of Nephilim blood then Jesus Christ couldn’t be born in human form without sin to die for humanity to give Salvation through Faith. It’s not rocket science but God’s immortal science!

As more things are happening and look like Bible Prophecies being actually fulfilled in ways that couldn’t happen until now, Christians need to really take a good look at where you are, what you are doing for Christ, and why you fight so hard against admitting that we ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We need to LOVE ONE ANOTHER and get over ourselves! We shouldn’t accept sin as being ‘okay’, ‘water down’ the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or focus on the ‘building a kingdom’ on our own either. We NEED to NEED JESUS more than anything else in this whole universe!

I don’t discredit PROVEN science. I don’t discount Science Fiction either. Supernatural is the dichotomy of the spiritual with the natural intertwined like the DNA strands of our humanity. Yes, I do write FICTION. Yes, I do believe in CHRISTIANITY. Do I honestly think that the two coexist in a Truth that certain groups keep trying to deny because they can’t comprehend the possibility even though God Almighty is a conundrum in Reality? YES! For the Quadrillion to the Umpteenth power, YES! NONE of us know the extensive levels of existence and ability of our Creator. No, not one!

This is meant to not only get Christians to truly think about the reality of our imminent departure but also to call out to those who have dismissed Jesus Christ as a myth or some other foolery that just wants control over you. How many of you are already giving people, places, things, or even substances power enough to control you? No matter what I had to let go of to gain my Faith, it NEVER could have given to me what JESUS HAS ALREADY. Do I have problems? Yes. Do I have times of discouragement? Yes. Do I have moments of doubt? Yes. Why do I still want Jesus? HE IS LIFE!

I have Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in remission. Do I believe in Healing? Yes. Am I angry that God hasn’t given it to me completely yet? No. Why? Job spoke it the best when he said, “Even though He slay me, yet will I trust Him!” Ever wonder why the Centurion followed what Jesus told him to do? He KNEW what Jesus said would be. Once you have an experience with the Soul-Saving Son of the Most High God of Creation, YOU KNOW. Even if you doubt sometimes, you’ll find yourself speaking that Faith in spite of any fear. Because HE Lives I can face tomorrow!

I don’t know the battles you are now fighting. I don’t know if you are at the point of giving up. I don’t even know if you are in a place where you will give Jesus Christ a chance to show you what He has for you. I don’t, but HE DOES. I had a car wreck a week before Christmas 2020, so how could I write this since my 2011 Chevy Aveo was totaled? I hit the small bit of water and hydroplaned into an Xterra, but I only got two bruised knees. Do you know how tank-like an Xterra is? I DO NOW! I also KNOW that my guardian angel used that water to slide me in a way so my airbag didn’t trigger.

Why did the accident happen? Maybe it was for the driver of the other vehicle, the tow truck driver, the rental car driver, the insurance customer service agent, or the insurance adjustor. I gave cards to all of those I met in person that has my websites listed and told those on the phone the websites too. Maybe one of them needed an unusual way that points to Jesus, and I may not know until the Judgement Seat of Christ in Heaven after I’m evacuated from Earth spiritually… or supernaturally as the terms fits. That brings me to the reason for the title of this odd op-ed that may be ignored by most.

After being a Sci-Fi fan for forty years I finally think I found a proper scientific term for the ‘Rapture’ or ‘Calling Away’ of the believers in Christ known as the Church – Quantum Tunneling! I read about this in an article on Wikipedia, but they didn’t give the author name for me to give proper credit so just look it up if you want to read more on it. The term actually is talking about the phenomena in relation to nuclear fusion, but as I read it I began thinking about how Jesus rose again. The New Testament says that our bodies during the Rapture will become like that of Jesus after His resurrection.

What if it DOES take the same kind of powerful energy like nuclear fusion to transform us? What if instead of a flight through the sky we will be taking a rocket-blast through the dimensional realm? What if all that we think we know in logistical data from spiritually-minded mentors turns out to be even less than what was proposed in Star Trek? What if my song lyrics for “Like Rocket Fire” are more reality than even I thought? What if our departure really will be like that Quantum Tunneling with Divine protection? Well, I guess that means I should pray, “Quantum Tunnel Me Up, Jesus!”