
“What Kind Of Brotherly Love Are You Showing?”
By Tonja Condray Klein – 01/01/17

Hebrews 13:1-3
1 Corinthians 12:12-13
James 1:8-10
Romans 12:4-5
Ephesians 4:1-32

1) When did the Church forget we are part of the SAME body in Jesus Christ?
2) Why does the Church strive AGAINST one another and be jealous of gifts?
3) What will it take to get the Church to be UNIFIED to share the real Gospel?

The Church has become so sectionalized and separated that “outsiders” that don’t line up with a certain group get cast aside and kept apart for the very ones that Jesus Christ has placed in their midst to bring about balance and a real Spiritual Revival of Unity, Understanding, and Unconditional Love.

More and more in the Church are taking on the mindset of Pharisees and trying to make every single person conform to THEIR own idea of that a “real” Christian should be. They don’t have the right at all, but getting any to see that this is detrimental to reaching the lost world if they have that attitude seems pointless.

The Gospel is NOT for CERTAIN people. The Gospel is for WHOSOEVER WILL! While these people in the world look for help and reality in a Faith, the Church no matter what denomination or name keep forgetting to accept the WHOSOEVERS without stipulations of religious rhetoric that is dead.

JESUS wants to give LIFE. If He wanted a bunch of automatons, He could have made them to be just that. Jesus wants those that CHOOSE HIM and are willing to let Him change them to what HE Wants them to become. Not a Label. Not a Cookie-cutter Christian. Jesus wants YOU to want HIM above all.

A bunch of rules can’t create that. A ton of clothes can’t image that. A ledger of doctrines can’t formulate that. It takes a Personal Relationship with a Risen Savior, Lord, and King Jesus Christ just by accepting that HE CHOSE to die FOR YOU…even if ONLY YOU had accepted His gift of GRACE.

Churches need to give the TRUTH that is as simple as COME AS YOU ARE to the CROSS OF CHRIST and believe HE PAID FOR YOUR SINS COMPLETELY…ONCE and for ALL. Not to sign a membership book, give an offering, and do exactly what they say you must. It’s YOU letting JESUS INTO YOUR heart.

It is a fact that Church people are still people and make mistakes just like we all do. Please STOP the same hypocrisy from keeping you from checking out the TRUTH of Jesus Christ and His real Gift of Salvation He wants to give to you if you will go BEYOND a front cover to find His Joy deep inside the pages of His Word.

I’m going to be 45 years old on September 1st. I’ve been a Christian since I was 8 years old, but I went back out into the world after being hurt by church after church for all the reasons I have mentioned. People fail. I fail. JESUS NEVER HAS AND NEVER WILL. Find out the PLAN HE HAS FOR YOU.

“Father God, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe Jesus died on the Cross for me and my sins and is offering me NEW LIFE. It’s not earned. It’s not conditional. It’s not revocable. It is all given freely by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ. I accept Jesus Christ as my Savior, Lord, and King. I know He now has something for me to do. Let me ‘Answer the Call’ like the song from White Heart says. I am right now giving Him my life to reach others as He gave His life for me. I am now His bond-servant, friend, and joint-heir. Give me strength, mercy, and wisdom to come. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”  Click to listen to “Answer the Call” by White Heart.