Tag Archives: Salvation

“Is There Enough Shaking Yet, Brothers and Sisters in Christ?”

I’ve been watching both fact-related and opinion-given news, reading articles on our world’s changing political alignments, and comparing it all to the Holy King James Bible in 2020. With all that stated I can only conclude it means we are moving closer to the time known as the “Rapture” of the true Church who accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior by believing the blood He shed for every single person on Calvary paid for ALL of our sins that we have at birth and are each accountable for once we come to the realization of our separation from God Almighty our Creator.

One thing currently concerns me: the last Great Revival has NOT happened yet! Where are present-day Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul? Where are you, Silas, Priscilla, and Timothy? There seem to be very few churches preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Where are the gifts of the Holy Spirit being used? Where are the churches that are yearning for the honest powerful touch of God that can hit you like a wrecking ball to break the chains on your life? Have you ever felt that loving hand of God that convicts you, saves you, cleans you, and restores you to your place with Him?

I have. I know this is real. I’ve felt His healing more than once. I’ve known His consoling touch during times of trial or loss. I’ve screamed, thrown things, and cursed in frustration, but Jesus Christ is always there to remind me WHO I belong to and HOW it’s possible for me to call on Him. Are you crying out for HIS divine touch? If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior then He has more for you in this life until we are taken to safety before the Great Tribulation in REVELATION, DANIEL, EZEKIEL, ISAIAH, and JEREMIAH. THE LAST REVIVAL MUST HAPPEN FIRST!

Have you been shaken yet? I believe God Almighty has been allowing things to happen to get our attention. No, He didn’t send the Corona virus to kill people; evil did that all on its own. The True Church needs to PAY ATTENTION! Jesus Christ is trying to WAKE UP THE CHURCH! Are you not tired of dry and meaningless religion yet? If you have ever been in the kind of church services I’ve been blessed to know then I can’t imagine you not wanting MORE of that infusion of the Holy Spirit in your heart, your mind, and your body! This is not crazy. The Gifts are the Presence of God.

Are you wishing for more joy through the reality of supernatural proof in the existence of God Almighty known in the Christian Faith and connected to the Jewish Faith? After studying scriptures and history, I cannot accept any other explanation for how the prophecies have been fulfilled with precision to the year, day, and even hour for it all to happen. I don’t know what is holding it back unless it’s the ones responsible with beginning this are either scared, frustrated with the leaders, or unaware of their important to DO WHAT GOD TELLS YOU WITH HIS GIFTS!

Receiving a Gift of the Holy Spirit is not some crazy ritual or hokey spiritual awaking. Praying in an Unknown Tongue is a sign that the Holy Spirit has infused you with the Pneuma of God again that ALL of mankind lost when Adam and Eve disobeyed our Creator and the world fell from Grace when sin entered. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are: Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Revelation, Prophecy, Healing, Dreams, Faith, Discernment, Messages in Tongues, and Interpretations in Tongues. They are all meant to show God’s Presence to Believers and unbelievers.

As we see the new peace treaty with the United Arab Emirates and Israel we need to understand that this may be the way those serving the Anti-Christ already use to align countries needed for the Anti-Christ to be put in place. He may already be born and in politics in an area of previous Assyrian rule or a descendant from the Israel tribes in Dan. This is a possibility noted on several Christian groups that offer prophecy teachings that seem to line up with the main Holy Bible, world history, and current geographic locations with the layout of religious hierarchy theocracies in the Middle East.

Some things MUST happen before the Church is rescued before the Great Tribulation begins. Some think that won’t happen until the middle of the seven years stated. Others think at the end of the seven years. I believe it will be BEFORE the first judgment happens. I may be wrong, but I hope and pray to God Almighty in the powerful name of Jesus Christ that we will be taken away or “raptured” as the wording is used. Regardless, EVERY BELIEVER IN JESUS CHRIST AS SAVIOR, LORD, KING, AND GOD ALMIGHTY should be SEEKING, WATCHING, and PRAYING!

We also must be SHARING the True Gospel of Jesus Christ and not some watered-down religious meeting that has NO POWER, NO ENERGIZING, and NO SALVATION. I WANT MORE!!! More Gifts laying all our hearts bare before God Almighty so we can’t hide and will cause a spiritual reaction that CHANGES LIVES, SAVES SOULS, and RESTORES PEOPLE who desperately need HIM! As Christians we MUST look beyond ourselves, STOP following dry platitudes that have no power, and LET the HOLY SPIRIT into Your Heart after accepting Jesus as SAVIOR!

Is there enough shaking yet? Do ANY of you realize what is at stake if we fail to point people to the TRUTH we have as Believers in the Salvation by GRACE and through FAITH in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary? Do we not care if people go to Hell for eternity? Do any of us? I wouldn’t be writing this or putting it up on social media that may or may not allow it at some point, but I WILL have it up on my website. You can find out more about Jesus Christ and the prophecies of the Bible here – It’s not a dry religion… it is Life Eternal through Christ!