Tag Archives: Joy

“In The Middle Of The Chaos, Jesus Still Is The Greatest Christmas Gift!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©12/25/2024

This is the first year of Christmas without Mom Vada. It has been times of crying, moments of wishing, and days of missing the celebrating with her and all of the family together. The most important thing I want to share this year is that even through all of the things that bring us chaos, anger, hurt, and frustration, we need to focus on the real REASON FOR THE SEASON like Stryper’s song says – the Greatest Gift from God the Father to humanity! Jesus Christ came as a Baby to a virgin mother and her carpenter husband that is celebrated this day even if it’s not the actual time of His arrival in the timeline reality. We celebrate because that Baby was a Promise made centuries before, a Savior born to grow up and then die on the cross of Calvary for all of humanity’s sins, and then rise again to give new life in Him by Grace through Faith.

That Baby brought the Joy of Salvation to come! While we live in America A.D. 2024, in Israel B.C. that Baby was the proof that their Yahweh God Almighty the Creator was fulfilling part of His covenant even though they didn’t understand it yet. The Baby was the first part, Jesus Christ as Yeshua is the second, and soon King of Kings and Lord of Lords is to fulfill the last part of the total restoration to all Gentile Christians and Jewish believers. This invitation is to ALL OF HUMANITY, no matter your race, kindred, creed, or nation. WHOSOEVER WILL IS EVERYONE! Doesn’t matter where you were born, what faith you’ve had, or even if you never believed in a god, YOU CAN KNOW HIM AS SAVIOR! The reality of this is proven through many texts of historic and spiritual origins both then and even NOW.

Everything that is happening right now in this world is setting up the final group of nations that will rally around a leader who will seem to be a man of peace at first after millions to billions of people disappear at one moment, but then he will demand more than loyalty like the former kings fought to attain in our past; he will force a form of worship of him as ‘god’ that will require praise from the masses and religious fealty that will include a ‘mark’ you won’t be able to buy food or necessities without accepting it as you declare him as GOD. Once this happens, any person who takes that type of ID or association of his will be damned for eternity. This leader will be the anti-Christ as spoken of in the Christian Bible books of Revelation, Ezekiel, Daniel, and other prophetic books in Old and New Testaments. THIS ALL WILL HAPPEN.

While we have many scholars and teachers that claim certain days or times, we know that NO MAN KNOWS IT. We have ‘signs’ that we are supposed to look for as we WAIT for the Trumpet of God to sound and Jesus Christ to show up in the clouds to first raise all believers whether by the Old Judean Law OR by Grace and through Faith in Jesus Christ from the dead, and then to change those still alive to be like Him and all just resurrected to join Him in the sky on our way to Heaven. Whether another dimensional realm or even an interdimensional planet, we don’t know for sure. We KNOW that Jesus Christ will take us there to be kept safe while the Great Tribulation begins with 21 judgments on all those who have refused the FREE GIFT of God’s Salvation that He has offered to EVERY ONE throughout this world and time.

Have you ever been told about Jesus Christ and His death in your place? You can read more about this and God’s promises to us in the Christian Holy Bible and Jewish Torah, and there are a lot of other books by more current Christian writers that give more evidential credence to the FACT of Jesus Christ having lived, died, and disappeared from Earth. It really is an act of Faith to believe in Jesus Christ as Savior for your spiritual debt to be paid by the Grace of Jesus Christ. I’m just trying to point out that we have a lot of historical writings like in Josephus, so I want to give a rounded case for Christ to those who have only ever known the empty lifeless religion of even some so-called Christian churches. There is POWER in the Blood of Jesus Christ by Grace and through Faith to allow transformation of your soul to be reclaimed.

THIS IS REAL. I have been a born-again full-Gospel Christian since I was 8 years old. I’m 52 now, and I have studied history, literature, science, and society to find that Christianity is the ONLY Faith that asks us to TRUST in God Almighty by accepting what His Only Begotten Son did IN OUR PLACE. I have seen the Power of His Holy Spirit save, deliver, and heal people on a regular basis growing up. I have been part of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit being used since I was thirteen in the church services, not in some crazy hallucinating manner, but in joyful Grace poured out on the people that is life-changing and love-empowering to reach out to every soul for Christ that we as His ambassadors can if we will show His love by giving them the Truth. It’s not supposed to be some religious ‘club’ like some promote that is wrong.

No matter where you have been or what you have done, if you truly BELIEVE that He can forgive you, then pray this out loud, “Father God of Creation known as Yahweh, I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Only Begotten Son who was born to become a man to die in MY PLACE for my sins and all of humanity if each will believe. I ask for You to forgive me for my sins by the shed blood of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross. His blood without sin atoned for me and all who will believe. I believe that You will return to claim Your people, first from the grave and then those alive who wait for You to take us to safety as Your wrath is given in judgement for the sins of those who refuse Your Gift of Salvation. I accept Jesus as MY Savior, believe what You promised, and will share it with all I can. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!”

Begin reading the Christian Holy Bible. I suggest New Living Translation and King James Version to compare for better understanding. You can read it for FREE those and other versions at blueletterbible.org online. ‘What Child is this?’ the song asks. ‘This, This, is Christ the King who shepherds guard and angels sing, Haste, haste to bring Him laud, the Babe, the son of Mary!” is the answer I hope and pray that you will each come to know as you accept Him as Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty in the Son as Creator of the universe. Colossians 1:16 states, “All things were created by Him, and for Him.” He IS the ONLY plea we will have to be accepted by God the Father to be allowed into Heaven. No other name is accepted. That Baby named Jesus still IS the Messiah and Savior we EACH ONE NEEDS for Salvation!