Tag Archives: Hanukkah2024

“Hanukkah Ends With Terrorist Attacks in America…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©01/02/2025

This writing was supposed to be about our joy celebrating Hanukkah along with Christmas this year and why it was an ancestry and Faith related celebration. Then I turned on the television and found out about terror attacks in New Orleans then Las Vegas! I recently mentioned reading the book THE PARADIGM by Jonathan Cahn, and now it seems that I’m SEEING the Paradigm with a latest cycle playing out right in front of my eyes on the screen! This is something Christians and Jesus-believing Jews need to pray against since the one vehicle had the flag of Isis… an old evil of a time from Ahab and Jezebel being reinstalled in the old Paradigm as explained in that book that seems to be working in 2025. We need to pray like never before against that evil spirit that has been afflicting and infesting different ages right now!

THE PARADIGM is on Amazon in Audiobook, eBook and Paperback formats so please do some reading to try to understand what seems to be going on in this country right now. If you don’t believe in real supernatural powers in this dimension, then you need to know that it has been proven in the Christian Holy Bible and Jewish writings too. You need to WAKE UP, because it’s happening right now! Please refuse to let Satan blind you. I was excited to share my ancestry link to Hanukkah, but this situation takes precedence. This Paradigm cycle might be the sign that the final time is going to be the last chance for the Christian church to GET READY! We have our Jehu now coming again to our White House in less than three weeks, so we REALLY need to be praying for him, his family, his VP, and his cabinet for protection!

I’m not really over-reacting, but seeing something that leads to Isis-related attacks after reading about how that relates to prophecy makes me pay attention. Could this be calmed down by our incoming Jehu Trump? I’m hoping, but like I said in the other writing this one replaced, Trump was in before and Christians DID NOT pay attention or use the time to reach the last people to be saved in the LAST GREAT REVIVAL just before the RAPTURE happens BEFORE the GREAT TRIBULATION begins. Some might not even believe in it, but I will try to be an ELIJAH of my time like some are trying to be too! WE MUST TRY! If this is the last Paradigm cycle then this might be the last time Christians can shine the LOVE of JESUS to reach the last ones to be saved from the tribulation that can end in final damnation.

This is not about a date or hour. NONE of us know that. Still, we are told to watch the seasons and the happenings around us as signs to know how close the time is. If you know Jesus Christ as personal Savior then you need to be sharing that to as many as you can while we still have time. If this Paradigm continues then we will be given as long as four years to use for Jesus Christ to reach souls being ignored or left out. I know that MANY people feel like NONE of the Christian churches care about them. WE need to all CHANGE THAT! I’m not talking about cheapening of our Faith or giving into worldly ideas of right and wrong. I’m talking about not letting a personal ‘religious’ ideals keep you from reaching out to the ones that might not match YOUR idea of what a Christian should be. Jesus reached out to ALL HE COULD REACH!

Yes, Jesus knew more than any of us can, but He had that ‘who-so-ever’ attitude that the churches have seemed to have forgotten. I’m not talking about letting those who still embrace sin to be ministers. I’m talking about doing some full group discipleship and infusion of the Holy Spirit of God Almighty to help us to fight spiritual battles that will attack us in these final days that are beginning with these evil spirits making an obvious show of power with all of the deaths and call for violence by others influenced that is what Baal instituted in Israel under the reign of Ahab and Jezebel then Joran and Jezebel. The book I’ve noted explains a lot about a cycle of leaders and situations that we can study and then know how to pray for God Almighty to send the right protectors for the people and keep our new leaders empowered and protected too.

Christians and Jesus-believing Jews need to all be praying against these evil spirits that have been the enemies of ancient Israel and now in America for the past five decades at least. When you allow the killing of innocents, you open up that society to the influence of the evil spirits that claim to be a god named Baal or goddess named Isis. Elijah had to deal with those who had worshipped those false gods in ancient times that put their babies to the fire of idols to get ‘increase’. We have been going down that road to profit alone for more than one generation, and we have to STOP this social decay by ending the infanticide, prosecuting those who are inviting violence against American citizens due to an evil ideology like what caused the recent attacks that ended in deaths, and rework our foundations to keep ALL AMERICANS FREE!

This is something that ALL AMERICANS need to understand. I don’t have any problem with the other religions having freedom in America. Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Wiccans, and any other belief system that doesn’t have killing people as part of their faith practices should have the right to be protected as much as Christian and Jewish Americans. ONLY those for radical Islam that want death to Israel AND death to America needs to be dealt with in the same way that those who claimed to be Nazis during World War II were – charged with treason and jailed. IT WAS AND IS TREASON TO STAND WITH ENEMIES. Those who try to kill American citizens in the way the two people did yesterday were TRAITORS. Those claiming to be terrorists in protests need to be investigated or jailed.

Peaceful protests and free speech need to be protected. Claiming to be a terrorist is not the same as expressing an opinion against the government policy or official. Aligning yourself with violent enemies is TREASON because we have to protect our citizens that are being lawful and not proposing violence against others to bring about the changes of their political or religious order. That is NOT America! What happened in New Orleans and Las Vegas is NOT America either. We voted last year to change our leaders and that was done by American citizens lawfully, peacefully, and orderly. THAT IS AMERICA! Freedoms need to be kept even as those who have mental issues need to be found and helped. If they are too unstable, then they need to be institutionalized to protect others.

We need to protect American values. If someone doesn’t like them then they need to go somewhere else. Trying to change a FREE Democratic Republic into a religious dictatorship through force by killing citizens should be a cause for a de-citizen expulsion from our country. As a Christian I will be with Jesus Christ when He returns at the end of the Great Tribulation Period, and those that are against Him will be judged. HE IS. He will do this without having to use any army even though we will be right there with Him. His Power will be absolute because HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. You have the right in America now to disagree and live serving a different god, but THEN will be the end of any Democratic Republic, and NO other ‘god’ or ‘goddess’ will be able to stop Yeshua Jesus since HE IS CREATOR.

Other gods and spirits will try to force all humans left on Earth during the Great Tribulation to bow down to the one leader known by Christians as the anti-Christ. THAT will be something that will be forced without any hope of being allowed eternity if a person takes the identity mark that will mean you accepted him as God Almighty instead of the real Creator. When Jesus Christ returns to reclaim HIS CREATION of Earth, He will end the tyranny of the anti-Christ leader that has ruled for seven years using all of the hellish things perpetrated through him by Satan against humanity. Christians and Jesus-believing Jews will be in safety during this time to receive their rewards for service in life and will then return with Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords for the Millennial reign after enemies thrown in the lake of fire.

Everyone in America has the right to believe in whatever god you want to serve or not any at all. I choose to give this information to all who will read so you can understand and make a better choice by accepting Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty of Creation as Son aspect of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Trinity, known as Eloheinu in Judaism. Christian and Jews are connected by that, but Jesus Christ is the Savior of all that will believe in His sacrifice AND the Messiah to the Jewish people as well as Savior. ANYONE can decide to accept Jesus without any problem able to keep you from Him if you will ask Him for Salvation by Him forgiving you of your sins to begin to be made new by His promises if you will JUST BELIEVE when you ask Him. So please pray now for this miracle of Salvation…

“Gracious Heavenly Father God of Creation, I come to you in the name of Yeshua Jesus Christ. I ask for You to forgive me for my sins by Faith in the blood of Jesus Christ shed for all humanity on Calvary. I repent of my sin and ask for You to begin remaking me supernaturally to restore our connection as Father and child. Give me the abilities to share Your message of Salvation to all who will listen. Allow Your gifts to come upon me to prepare me for all I need to do for You to reach others before it’s too late for evacuation known as the Rapture of the Church of Jesus that will happen right before the Great Tribulation begins on Earth. In the name of Yeshua Jesus Christ I ask. Amen!” You can find the whole Christian Holy Bible in various versions on blueletterbible.org. Blessings Wished & Pray for America! TK

“Drones Could Be Just The Beginning, But Christians Have Faith Protection.” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©12/24/2024

This opinion editorial is in relation to my Christian Faith and continual study of various archaeological, historical, scientific, and spiritual researches that I’ve been compiling information on while outlining my non-fiction book that might give overall reasons for why some things have happened and are happening right now possibly again. I do NOT believe in “space aliens”. I DO believe in fallen angels that are now demons and Nephilim giants that are evil spirits now here if not in chains like others already are from Noah’s time. The new form of Nephilim spoken of by Dr. Peter Ruckman and Ryan Pitterson in their books might be able to control the drones showing up in America, including in my hometown of Dayton, Ohio. Of course, it could be a hobbyist… but what if a different country is using proxy illegals to do this to unstable us?

A drone was reported over Wright Patterson Air Force Base that led to a shutdown of air-space 12/14/2024 to 12/15/2024 according to Dayton Daily Newspaper post by Thomas Gnau updated on Dec 16, 2024. Does it scare me to know one flew over Wright Patt and caused them to shut down our air-space not that far away from where I live? Just a little at first, but then I became angry if it IS evil-controlled drones being used to cause fear since so many people don’t understand if it is spiritually related. If a human enemy then I’m concerned that an apparatus could be more physically dangerous if from them or even if misused by an American. That is why this drone situation needs proper investigation. Recent possibility reported on one news outlet was of lost nuclear matter being searched for, and that’s even scarier!

After reading several Christian books concerning the ongoing presence of the two types of spiritual paranormal interdimensional beings having been seen since the time of Noah, a Christian explanation might exists for the things that include what is happening now with drones, ‘aliens’ and ‘spaceships’ over the years, and in ancient times before writing began around 3300 B.C. I have written an essay about the ‘aliens’ concept on both of my websites to educate people that seek explanations other than what has been given from various groups. These are my opinions based on reading books by Christians who have done more extensive research on this than I have. I’ll give names of books and authors but not links since my other post was taken down from one platform that claimed my post had false information without explanation.

If I don’t give specifics of where I get information from in my writing then that means it is MY OPINION. I have a RIGHT to give MY OPINION just like everyone else, but I know some words cause bots to tag posts for removal due to differences of opinions by the owners of these platforms. I will try to honor their rights to take them down unless they are targeting me purposefully and I can legally make a case. I will be adding where I’m getting certain FACTS from to try to stop some bot issue of possible unintended censorship. I will try to not put blame on any specific person or group unless stated by a source that cannot be refuted. It’s sad that we have to do this now in 2024, but this is too important for me to NOT write something about what I’ve been studying to try to help alieve fearful minds if I can help them understand it.

First of all, I already gave the information where I got my FACTS information in the first paragraph. The date and information from Paragraph two came from Hourly History books on the Mesopotamia, Egypt, Akkad, Babylonia, Hittite, and Roman Empires, as well as the Christian Holy Bible. Other books I got information from will be listed too. FICTION IS SO MUCH EASIER TO WRITE SINCE IT IS FICTION! I still need to write this since this real situation with drones is scaring people, and they need a reality re-adjustment to help them to cope with it. Some of the verified information in the books I will list scared me even though I’m a Christian that trusts my Lord Jesus Christ to protect me from what has happened according to some of those in-depth books I’ve read for the past few years about other situations related.

BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL by Dr. Peter Ruckman, JUDGEMENT OF THE NEPHILIM by Ryan Pitterson, WHAT THE OLD ONES SAY by Chief Joseph RiverWind, and books by former ANCIENT ALIENS History Channel program contributor and Author L. A. Marzulli all give a foundation of understanding spiritual forces at work all over the world at this particular time for reasons that they explain. Findings with scientific and archaeological proof of more going on than present-day disciplines want to accept has caused a loss of fact-based discoveries due to a need for those funding their research to be kept satisfied that nothing with former findings from decades to even centuries before will be changed so the status quo will remain intact and power within academic groups will continue to keep it as they want it to be.

This is WHY people need to READ and RESEARCH for yourselves instead of accepting only what one group or discipline reports! I understand that scientific digs or projects DO take a lot of time, resources, and funds before accepted discoveries are found to be seen worthy of the cost. When discoveries are found that are in opposition to accepted norms then they are easily discarded and unknown to most by those in charge of the narratives. It has ALWAYS been so in any main endeavors of research, whether scientific, historic, or any other realm of study. While this doesn’t encourage some desired studies that many students want to pursue, it does put those needing those funds in a position to either find what funders want or face being defunded, maligned, or forced to take a risk like the scientists with writer Graham Hancock.

AMERICA BEFORE by Graham Hancock has been one of the most controversial writings about archaeology in America because of the findings that seem to disprove the “Clovis First” theory and more than one long-held theory that has been placed in discovery cement. Some have been questioned due to newer findings that seem completely out of the accepted parameters that different disciplines hold onto like a religion they will fight to keep as LAW for as long as they can. I would hold onto my Christian faith with just as much fervor, but scientists have said for as long as there have been scientists that they are ‘impartial’ with their findings. Hancock’s books chronicle how newer scientists have found some things completely against long-held and un-allowed-to-be-disputed theories. I don’t agree with him on all but with most.

This ‘scientific elite’ mindset is also with some denominations in Christianity for some areas being considered as intractable even when the Bible says otherwise. This is one of the main messages of the book I’m working on with all this research that relates to this Op-Ed too. With some of the findings listed in Hancock’s books and the others listed in Chief RiverWind’s book, the idea that some of the happenings in 2024 have links back to during the times of many skeletons of giants being found in the Old West and even in Ohio might be related to the seemingly otherworldly show of these drones now. Is it possible that the spirits of those beings have found a way to control those drones? I don’ know, but people need to be aware of FACTS about what has BEEN in America BEFORE our forefathers even came to claim this ‘New World’.

I’m not a pro-colonist in present-day America, but I also understand from History that every single group that has ever been anywhere on Earth has been either ‘owner’ or ‘slave’ at least at one time. As America seeks to understand these current drones, each citizen needs to come to grips that we are still WE THE PEOPLE AS AMERICANS. I have a lot of different backgrounds from my DNA profile on Ancestry that surprised and also thrilled me since I’m not JUST a WHITE CHIC! Even if I was, I’ve always held the belief that a person’s worth was defined by character and morals that a person not only speaks about but tries to live by. As the ‘End Times’ that THE BOOK OF SIGNS by Dr. David Jeremiah speaks of seems closer to the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ before the Tribulation begins, drones might be seen as one.

Even so, those in charge of this county’s safety and individual protection needs to still try to find out what is the cause of this unprecedented increase of sightings and witnessed behavior that can’t be explained away with tales of some weather balloon like in Roswell, New Mexico in the 1947. While I don’t believe in ‘space aliens’, I do believe that there’s something rotten in the state of Ohio and every other state visited by these inexplicable drones and the behaviors of such. I can only pray for our safety and hope reality can give us an explanation that not only will bring people closer to accepting Jesus Christ as personal Savior before they have to face things beyond human belief as spoken about in the books I listed for education, spiritual growth, and overall understanding. I don’t have all the answers.THAT’S WHY I READ A LOT!

Books by L.A. Marzulli really give some insight, especially since he has a background in supernatural situations that changed his life and put him toward this kind of research that included his time on ‘Ancient Aliens’ and his writing. He is a Christian, but his history has some experience with the ‘beings’ I spoke of in the beginning of this. There are real things that people experience that can have two different perceptions depending on their point of view or spiritual faith. One can affect the other. Mine is entrenched in my Christianity, as well as the other writers I listed except for Hancock. Hubby Ken and I went to the 2024 ‘Ancient Aliens Live’ in Dayton, Ohio since we love the show and the archaeology, but we don’t agree with their conclusions even though their findings actually support my main “Before Adam Theory”.

My concern this morning on 12/24/2024 Christmas Eve is that the FACT that Christmas Day AND the beginning of Hanukkah this year are on the same day. Yes, it’s probably happened before, but considering the possible supernatural issue with those drones, I wanted to post this if there IS someone needing to think about the reality of Jesus Christ and to have a chance to accept Jesus Christ as Savior JUST IN CASE. Jesus Christ returning in the clouds to rescue ALL of His believers will be in a moment of time, and it hurts my heart, especially this close to Christmas for anyone not to THINK about missing this opportunity. HE DIED FOR YOU! No matter what you’ve done, HE PAID THE PRICE on the cross of Calvary for EACH AND EVERY PERSON INDIVIDUALLY. We EACH just have to BELIEVE PERSONALLY.

Please pray this if you need Jesus Christ as Savior or to renew your Faith, “Gracious Heavenly Father of Creation, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus is Your Only Begotten Son who died for each human if one accepts Him as personal Savior and ask for forgiveness by Him. I believe He was born of Mary the virgin, lived a sinless life since His Father God had the angel put Divine cells into Mary to create Jesus Christ without an Earthly father’s sin in His blood. I believe Jesus lived a sinless life, died on Calvary’s cross for humanity to redeem each one to the Father, was buried, raised again, and ascended to Heaven to pray for us and wait until time to return to rescue us from what will be in the Great Tribulation when fallen Lucifer will be worshipped as ‘god’ that I refute. In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, amen!”

Be mindful of what is happening around you and read the Christian Holy Bible books of Revelation, Ezekiel, Daniel, Jeremiah, and the whole New Testament to find out about the plans that God Almighty the Creator has for all of humanity who trust in Jesus Christ. The one that is known as the anti-Christ will come onto the political scene at the time Christian believers will disappear in one moment of time that will send the world into panic to make them seek new leadership. This has been preached for over two thousands years, so don’t you think that the time is getting closer now than ever before? We might not be able to do anything about the drones right now, but knowing Jesus Christ as your own Savior gives you the Hope, Joy, Grace, Mercy, Love, and a future that will be everlasting once believers are redeemed.

All of the books listed are available on Amazon as eBooks or print and some at the local library too. BLACK IS BEAUTIFL by Dr. Peter Ruckman is at a better price at Bible Baptist Bookstore online. I don’t agree with some of his beliefs, but Ruckman’s book has documented proof of findings and what it meant in 1995 for Christians and the future. This means even more in 2024 in relation to what we are seeing right now that does not make sense unless done by an enemy country agent or a supernatural evil power. It led to me to begin my research that gave to me my newest book’s thesis, and now this Op-Ed about drones that might be linked to part of this. I wanted to give information to help people seek books if they will JUST READ THEM. READING IS THE WAY TO LEARN HOW TO DISPROVE LIES!