Tag Archives: 2020

“Beautiful Star of Bethlehem, Shine On!”

By Tonja Condray Klein

As we approach Christmas in 2020 with the “Christmas Star” occurring on 12/21, we should try to remember what that star meant over two thousand years ago and then what it could mean for us now. I’m not a soothsayer, theologian, or even a degree-bearing scholar (except the Technical Certificate for Webpage Development). I’m not the only Christian believer who is looking at this ‘sign’ with interest, hope, and maybe even concern since the Holy Bible states that we should be looking at the signs of the times in order to understand when the Grace Dispensation we are currently living in will almost be at a final ending. This should propel us to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ for as much time as we have!

I’m not religious. I’m a Born-Again, Spirit-Filled, Believer in the Blood of Jesus Christ as the ONLY way for my birth dealt sinful blood to be exchanged by His death on Calvary with Grace by Faith and that not of myself. It IS the Gift of God unto Salvation NOW AND FOREVER! Although a horrible and destructive Great Tribulation Period replaces the Grace Dispensation Period, it hasn’t happened yet, and Christians need to be PREACHING, SINGING, and TEACHING like never before. Our time might be limited. We don’t know if this star is a reminder or if it symbolizes something more. Do I want to go home to Heaven? YES! Do I want others to take this seriously? YES!! Do I think it’s time? Maybe…

I realize that the believers in Jesus Christ have thought this many times over the past 2000 years. This is not to ‘scare’ people into a ‘religious’ experience. This is to AWAKEN BELIEVERS to share the Gospel we already know and to help others to at least get what we already have – a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior, the Son of God the Father and giver of God the Holy Spirit as our Comforter after shedding His blood for our sins, rising from the grave, and going to Heaven to wait until this time is over and the focus turns to Israel again. Do you see the shift already? I do! It’s been an ongoing shift for a decade or more. As a Believer for Christ, don’t you feel the stirring? Can’t you hear the whisper inside?


BOOM, BOOM! I FEEL HIM IN MY SOUL! WHEW! FEEL HIM ALL OVER ME! Isn’t that what you want? Isn’t that what you need? Isn’t that what you thirst for? Isn’t that what you hunger for? Isn’t it? I’m in tears right now LONGING for the RETURN of the ones who WANT ALL HE GAVE! It’s FREE. It’s REAL. It’s FOREVER. It’s ALL-CONSUMING FIRE! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! You either know that you know that you know… or you don’t. If you don’t know then YOU NEED TO FIND HIM! FIND HIM IN THE FIRE. FIND HIM IN THE FLOOD. FIND HIM IN THE HOSPITAL BED. FIND HIM IN THE FUNERAL. FIND HIM IN THE BAR. FIND HIM IN THE STRIP CLUB.

YOU CAN FIND HIM WAITING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE! You just have to LOOK for the Truth of Jesus. The problem is that too many people who call themselves CHRISTIAN don’t know that they know that they know either. WE ALL NEED REVIVED! For the love of everything Holy you need REVIVED! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US! I don’t care which denomination you are. I don’t care which preacher you claim. I don’t care which church you give to. WE ALL NEED TO BE REVIVED BY GOD ALMIGHTY! Jesus Christ gave us a mandate. Are you fulfilling it? Are you living it? I fail all the time, but as God Almighty is my witness, I AM TRYING TO REACH YOU! Don’t click away. Destiny calls.

“Father God, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe He is Your Son who died on the cross of Calvary to pay for my sins if I will believe and confess that I do and then live my life to be His soldier of Light to this world from now on. I will try to follow what the Christian Bible states in the New Testament and study the Old Testament to show I belong to You now. Let Your Holy Spirit give what spiritual gift or gifts you wish for me to use for Your Glory. Help me to be a Light to this world in these turbulent times. Lead me in the path You already planned for me before I was born. I am Yours and You are mine! In the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior, Lord, King, and God incarnate… AMEN!”

If you have prayed this, YOU ARE SAVED! Believing is the first step. Living it is an ongoing task of daily trials, failures, and victories. It isn’t easy, but if you keep praying, reading the Bible (start with John, Romans, 1 Corinthians, and Ephesians), and listen to music that ministers – if you love rock then start with Disciple, White Heart, and Skillet; if you love contemporary then start with Mercy Me, Carmen, and Toby Mac; if you love southern gospel start with The Imperials, Hinsons, and Kingsmen. Some are gone now, but their music will live through eternity. There are many others! The styles are plentiful so find your groove to make your soul move toward Jesus more and His Purpose for you!

Andrus, Blackwood, and Company was so long ago, but I jam to “Jesus, You’re So Wonderful” all the time, and it along with the others is mostly available on iTunes. I have versions of most of these on Vinyl, Cassette, CD, and now Digital on my iPhone or computer! You can listen to my songs I wrote and then professionally recorded on my website: https://www.eirinth.com at the link FOR FREE! You can also read the Prologue through Chapter 6 for BOTH of my Fantasy Novels at that link FOR FREE too and then buy on Amazon in E-Book or Paperback! Finding a church right now is difficult, but you can listen to WGNZ radio 1110am and 104.7fm to various ministers that preach the truth you need!

Message me on Facebook if you have a question or need links that can help more. Until then, May Jesus Christ Bless You And Keep You In His Care! Look up on December 21st to see the Christmas Star!

“What Really IS Important Christmas 2020”

By Tonja Condray Klein©12/02/20

I’m working on my song “The Colors of Christmas” and the lyrics reminded me of WHY it’s important to take time to celebrate as a Christian believer this time of year. I love the Santa movies in live action or old cartoon style. I love Rudolf who will always be my favorite reindeer. I love the mischievous kid movies that remind me of myself even now. I even love the Scrooge movies in all their different decades of production and differences. I love the lights, the songs, the new clothes, and the food at Christmas. All of those things still aren’t the reason why I love Christmas. Then what is it?

Christmas is what makes Easter possible. You can go into the whole ‘rebirth of nature’ aspect if you want, but for me it was the Resurrection of my Savior, and that couldn’t have happened without His birth. Linus from Peanuts says it as simply and truthfully as can be in that beloved movie, and since I still have a blanket I relate to him even more than most. It reminds me that even though the blanket is for comfort for me here on Earth, I have a Savior who sent my Comforter to me for my soul now and eternally. Money, power, or even gifts don’t really matter. My greatest gift of all time is Jesus!

Many don’t believe that He even came, and others deny even the reality of God Almighty, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord as the Son incarnate who arrived over 2000 years ago as a human baby to later become our Salvation 33 years or so later. It’s not a fantasy or a fable, and not even just a story. There is more historical evidence for the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ than they have for any other life-altering person. I haven’t seen Him like the disciples did, but I have felt His presence by His Holy Spirit too many times to doubt His prophesied purpose.

The star that shined to lead three wise-men who arrived a couple years later, the angels who proclaimed to the shepherds that came, and the animals that watched it all happened as the Holy Bible states. Others can scoff or even get angry, but I see it as the moment humanity was placed on the pathway to restoration! As I celebrate my husband and me surviving Covid-19, and my mother surviving an infection that almost took her life, I can give thanks for that Baby who came to give us all LIFE ETERNAL if we only accept HIS GIFT this holiday season – Faith even a child can believe.

Do I ever doubt? Well, like the character Charlie in the movie about addiction to shoes (one of my favorites, and reminds me of my much older sister!), I also ask, “If you never doubt then why would you need faith?” This is an ongoing learning experience in the Christian life. Jesus likes to show up where and when you sometimes least expect Him – in the grocery line, in the dollar store, or even in a doctor’s office. I know it because I have had it happen. Moments of Grace are around us every single day if we keep our eyes open and our hearts focused. Like in a manger, Jesus Christ shows up!

If ever Christian believers needed to be praying over this holiday season it is NOW. There are a lot of situations in our country and the world that need the loving and changing touch of Jesus Christ to be given in the same way as the time of His birth to bring peace on Earth and good will toward mankind, in spite of our differences. Hearts need to be changed, minds need to be mended, lives need to be healed, and people of every nation need to be restored. The love of Jesus can do it all, but His people need to release His power everywhere by Prayer, Praise, and practical exhibition of Freedom!

Revival is Coming… DO NOT FEAR!

Warnings Of Novel 1984 But Now Soft-Totalitarianism

“Warnings of Novel 1984 but Now as Soft-Totalitarianism!”  by Tonja Condray Klein – 10/12/2020

There was a time in my life when I thought I’d never experience again the fear I felt from what’s written as a warning in the classic novel 1984 that we read in school for class discussions – until 2020. Being forty-eight years old now makes me even more aware of all the changing dynamics that are making Orwell’s warnings into the BLARING SIRENS that should be apparent to anyone who will stop listening to media, social or otherwise, long enough to hear reality being yelled, burned, killed, and destroyed in our supposedly free country right in front of us!

While I know there are many different groups of people in the United States of America, whether cultural, ethnic, religious, political, socio-economical, or even medical in nature, I want each individual reading this to stop for a moment, think about what your basic needs are to survive, how you get them every day, and who provides them. This may seem a simplistic question that you can answer in less than a few seconds, but what if the first one could only be given to you by the last two. What if co-dependence suddenly made you no longer be free to live by your own beliefs?

My father and mother were alive during World War II. No one had to teach them about the history of those times since they both lived them. If my father was still alive and you told him the Jewish Holocaust didn’t happen, he’d tell you that you’re a liar. My mother is still alive, and she’d tell you the same thing with a look of anger for treating her like she didn’t know reality. My sister hadn’t been born yet, but she was taught documented history and would tell you the same. I’m twenty-two years younger than her, but I was also taught documented history and would tell you too.

One problem that I’m seeing in 2020 is that the generation after mine DOESN’T know. In fact, I doubt they know much of ANY of the FACTS of documented history unless specific data has been twisted to fit in one or more of political, ideological, or monetary purposes they support. Every school teacher should be screaming out in protest that they’re being forced to NOT teach those in their educational care the documented facts that no longer matter to the ones who have now assumed educational control in the United States. This is a hijacking of our youth and brainwashing!

No, I’m not a conspiracy theorist. No, I’m not a hater of education. No, I’m not an ignorant woman that doesn’t know the reasons for all of this. Once again I will state why I have the right to write what I want: I graduated with a 4.3 GPA and had almost a full scholarship to take Computer Science as my Major and Teaching as my Minor. Again, due to illness I had to withdraw from class, but I later got my Webpage Development Certificate from Edison State Community College in 1999. I’ve always been for learning all the skills you can. I simply wouldn’t at college now.

I learned computer basic programming, Century 21 accounting, and office typing in high school. I’m a learner. I may not have the degrees so many companies demand, but I guarantee I could outwork, outthink, and outdo any of those coming out of college with tons of degrees now that MEAN NOTHING. I’m sad to have to type that, but it’s truer now in 2020 than at any other time in the USA. There is a reason why Mike Rowe has started his scholarships for regular jobs so people can still learn REAL skills humanity needs. It’s too bad most corporations have forgotten that.

I read. I study. I write. I watch. I may have Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in remission, but there is no brain damage to my thinking or creating faculties. When I take the time to write something like this, it means I feel the absolute necessity to have my words placed where they can be read! The fact that I’m reading LIVE NOT BY LIES – A MANUAL FOR CHRISTIAN DISSIDENTS by Rod Dreher is another reason why I noted the novel 1984 by George Orwell in the title of this because it used to be the most horrid result I could imagine back then in school.

Although the scenario in 1984 scared me back in the day, and still does now, the other possibility for this country happening in 2020 is even more terrifying for me as a proponent for Constitutional Democracy. Rod Dreher has made the compelling correlation in his book that really should be read by ANYONE who loves the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, Free Market, Privacy of Individuals, and Protection of Citizens. If we ever give up any of this for the sake of convenience or promised security then we will need to change our greeting to, “Welcome to China-merica.”

If we EVER allow that to happen then we will deserve all of the horrible results that WILL happen. I’m praying to God Almighty through Jesus Christ with help from the Holy Spirit that I will not be here when it does happen. I don’t trust in any political group, government, technology, media, science, or organization to not cave into what has begun as what was warned against by Orwell and Dreher in their respective timeframes. If we were to ever stand up for America, NOW is the time before it’s too late in 2020. If we don’t then God have mercy on us. Militant mobs won’t.

I want more people to accept Jesus Christ as Savior in 2020 and beyond, and I’m doing the best I can to get the word out on every media type I can, but there will come a time when that will be blocked from us. As I have suggested before, go to https://www.tribulationhelp.com and save the pages to print off for you to have when the site is no longer accessible for whatever reason it may be. This isn’t meant to scare you but to prepare you. Knowledge is power, and if taken from you, then you need to get ready for a fight against hard OR soft totalitarianism while you still can.

