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“Vote For What America NEEDS To Become OUR AMERICA AGAIN!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©10/23/2024

I’m a Christian and an Independent when it comes to my political views, so I usually vote Republican since their platform is the most conservative and represents my values in 2024. Republicans didn’t used to be for the common people at one point, but that changed a couple presidents after JFK was assassinated when it seemed like the parties switched the platforms uniformly from one to the other on main issues suddenly with changes in the political, societal, and economic climates in what felt like a blink of an eye. America was going through a countywide depression and identity crises from what seemed like a golden era of Camelot with John F. Kennedy that had been so easily destroyed by three deaths with President Kennedy, his brother Robert, and Reverend Martin Luther King. Then war twisted everyone’s hearts again.

Whatever the reasons for those changes that began decades ago, in 2024 we ALL really need to KNOW what each candidate STANDS FOR AND AGAINST, not just from the media rhetoric that seems never-ending while lies are said as reality when they are NOT FACTS at all. We MUST NOT give into loud voices of disdain against ALL America has been defined by since the United States became FOR the people and BY the people as this Constitutional Democratic Republic and NOT just a Democracy alone since that doesn’t work because it marginalizes different groups of people that are NOT given equal representation. A Constitutional Democratic Republic is the ONLY type that allows people to be FREE by the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights within the United States of America Constitution and added later too.

These documents don’t seem to be taught correctly in schools anymore, regardless of primary or university, and that means that the younger generations DON’T SEEM TO EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY SAY OR MEAN ANYMORE! If we don’t teach them the meaning of the entire governmental processes, their equal and necessary branches, and each of their purposes, then they will allow other government types that are lauded by groups that seem to BE SEEKING POWER over the people instead of being the servants to represent more of the people. While that is my opinion from having lived here through the last fifty years in America, I have seen PROOF of it with my own eyes and read enough about it to do a dissertation on the decline of America if I was the academic type instead of an intellectual that reads everything I can.

I wasn’t taught WHAT to think; I was taught how to LEARN to think by using the Scientific Method for not only sciences like archaeology but also for literature, history, social sciences, and even life itself when things didn’t make any sense. The issue I have seen unfold now is that FACTS are being replaced by ‘feelings’. There are FACTS that NEVER should be replaced since they are what make up HOW this world works, how humanity is supposed to maintain concepts instead of accepting things that are NOT beneficial to our endurance as a nation, and how governing must be about the people being treated lawfully, equally, and with rights that can’t be overrun by anyone in power for their own personal gain instead of for the good of the constituency. In other words, WE THE PEOPLE needs PROTECTED AGAIN!

If we don’t stop the ignorance being foisted upon the younger generations then we will see the END of this great nation that has stood the test of time over and over again, and it needs as much protecting as the people do, so we MUST STOP socialism, communism, totalitarianism, or any other –ism that the enemies of our FREEDOM want to use to divide people instead of maintaining the ‘Great American Melting Pot’ that this country was PROUD to be when I was a child and still now decades beyond. After doing Ancestry and finding out how I am connected to so many different places and cultures through marriage and birth from 1972 A.D (CE) back to one branch link to -3760 B.C. (BCE), this ideal planted itself within the core of my soul as being important to remember no matter what any group or government might claim:


That might sound dramatic and a bit emotional, but since my father fought and bled in WWII and his brother died fighting in WWII I think I HAVE THE RIGHT to point this out and draw attention to what is at stake with this election! The percentage of proclaimed Evangelicals, Catholics, and other denominations of Christians say they are NOT planning to VOTE! HOW CAN THIS BE? Our Faith DEMANDS that we VOTE to protect our GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS that exist without our government, but still need to be upheld by it for us to LIVE OUR FAITH! If we don’t keep this Constitutional Democratic Republic then our FAITH will be targeted like any other kind of government ALWAYS stops any religion from remaining when they take power so people let them become their religion. HOW CAN CHRISTIANS ALLOW THIS!?!

We might not agree with any ‘Political Candidate’ on ALL of the issues, but as believers in Jesus Christ and His Word then we have to LIVE BY IT AND VOTE FOR IT! We are not exempt from politics. If we don’t use our RIGHT TO VOTE for our government leaders then we have NO RIGHT to complain about it or try to change it all after the fact. Don’t let the lies being told make you so upset that you can’t SEE THE TRUTH right in front of your eyes AND WITH YOUR WALLET! How can we keep up the house of God if we don’t have enough money to feed our families? THIS VOTE IS COMMON SENSE AND FAITH RELATED! Stop letting falsehoods keep you from following the ONLY course of action that will PROTECT ALL OF US! PLEASE VOTE YOUR FAITH AND CONSCIOUS! PLEASE!!!

“Father God of Creation, we come in the name of Jesus Christ, Your One and Only Son and our Savior, and ask that You will help us to see the ones we are to vote into office for the United States of America according to Your Will and to restore the United States of America to its Christian and Faith heritage while allowing all to be FREE with their beliefs as our representatives PROTECT OUR RIGHTS. We ask that You work in the hearts of ALL who want YOUR WILL TO BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN through our government’s choices to represent its people. Please help ALL who are YOURS to take this seriously and VOTE THEIR FAITH! Please help EVERYONE to NOT allow society or political pawns change their hearts from Your choices in this. In the Name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!”

PLEASE VOTE! My husband and I usually vote in person on Election Day, but medical situations arose so we had to do Absentee Ballots this time that we have already returned. Go to the GOP website, choose your district, and get the list of candidates that are for OUR CHRISTIAN VALUES, and print it out to VOTE! Also see what issues to VOTE AGAINST so you can help to END THIS ONGOING INVASION AND OVERTAKING OF AMERICAN RIGHTS AS U.S. CITIZENS! PLEASE!!! If you can’t do it alone, try to find someone you trust to help you get to the voting booth. I don’t claim to always be right, BUT THE BIBLE DOES, SO VOTE YOUR FAITH to keep it safe and Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be allowed to be preached all over America and the world! In Jesus’ Name, VOTE YOUR FAITH!!!

“Rosh Hashanah 2024 – No Man Knows the Day or the Hour” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©10/03/2024

Yes, I have been pointing this out for several years now, but due to recent events and prophecies being fulfilled at an astronomical rate, I wanted to just bring this to the attention of everyone who can read this. Jesus Christ IS Coming. I don’t know when, but I know we are in the time. While it was posited by a Jewish Believer that due to the change in the calendar it might be in 2029, I also believe it could be sooner. While I believe the “No man knows the day or the hour” reference by Jesus Christ to His apostles could be a hint and nod to the actual period of time, it might not be this year. I just want to once again exclaim the FACT that Jesus Christ is going to come back ‘in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye’ at ANY given time. It would just seem something He would do during the Holy week as a sign to Israel.

We see more than one Jewish Christian ministers trying to point to how the biblical times are playing out in these days according to their Jewish scriptures and Gentile Christian scriptures. I haven’t seen this unusual movement happen in my lifetime in a way that brings the Jews and Gentile believers together like never before, and that MEANS something is on the horizon in a way that just Gentile Christians couldn’t accomplish. WE NEED EACH OTHER TO BRING ABOUT THE LAST GREAT REVIVAL BEFORE JESUS COMES! Now, could this happen by the end of Rosh Hashanah 2024? I don’t know, but the Christian Holy Bible says to be WATCHING AND PRAYING! Are you? This recent rise around the world in Anti-Semitic hatred is NOT an anomaly.  As a Christian believer I LOVE my Jewish believers in Messiah!

Can’t people see how both Christian and Jew are HATED? WE SERVE THE SAME GOD ALMIGHTY! Jesus Christ is the Jewish Messiah AND the Christian Savior of the world! God the Father had to let Israel refuse His Son Jesus Christ so He could die on the Cross of Calvary FOR ALL, BOTH JEW AND GENTILE! This was NOT some knee-jerk reaction by the One God of Creation; THIS WAS THE PLAN – Jesus Christ Crucified from the FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD! When Yom Kippur happens this year, I will celebrate Easter again! Jesus Christ IS the Messiah Savior for the ENTIRE WORLD IF YOU BELIEVE – Jew, Gentile, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Wiccan, or any other faith can choose to accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God, Messiah, and Savior of the world if you simply believe He died in your place!

I respect the right for any group to have their religion and won’t be mean to you as a person because of it. I simply KNOW by reading the Holy Bible while comparing it to world history and various religions that Jesus Christ is the ONLY One to give His life in sacrifice for our human sin that happened when Adam and Eve fell from Grace by disobeying the ONE Rule on Earth – don’t eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This might have been instated because God Almighty ALREADY KNEW we would since scripture says Jesus was the answer for that ever since “Let there be Light!” was spoken by the Triune Being known as God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of Creation. Yes, there are other writings that give different names and ways, but the Judeo-Christian texts match with what is manifested as reality now.

In my research for my book BEFORE ADAM: A PROPOSITION OF POSSIBILITY I have studied how the other creation stories merge with that of Judeo-Christian Creation except for the most important aspect – humanity’s fall from Grace. THAT is a sticking point to the WHOLE THING since it means that each person needs a Savior for their sin they inherited in their bloodline from Adam and Eve. Unfortunately, even though given the commandments to tell us what NOT to do, we still seem to do it without even realizing that we NEED SOMEONE to fill in the gap of our inability. If we truly try to see the amazing LOVE of God the Creator of all has for us then we can SEE that HE was willing to DIE FOR US instead of living WITHOUT US. Satan, fallen angel Lucifer wanted to damn as many of us as he could for revenge.

Ezekiel 28:16 refers to the cherub guardian Lucifer as having been filled with great wrath in connection with the ‘trade among the nations’. In the beginning there were NO nations until much later, so could this have happened in direct relation to the beings BEFORE ADAM such as Neanderthals or Denisovans? That is one of my hypotheses with the new book I’m writing to reach scientific-minded people who need Jesus too. Regardless, we know Adam and Eve sinned, an d God had to begin laying the framework of sin being ‘covered’ by a blood sacrifice until Jesus Christ completed the FULL sacrifice when He died on Calvary once and FOR ALL. The fact that He KNEW as the pre-incarnate Christ that He would have to do that for us, and STILL CAME TO DO IT should show how the heart of God Almighty the Creator for all of us.

As I have some Challah bread, corned beef, latkes (because I need them), and apple fritters I will be celebrating the Old Covenant by Abraham (my 101st great-grandfather) and the New Covenant through David (84th great-grandfather) that was related to Joseph, the legal father AND Mary, the blood mother of Jesus Christ that I am now a joint-heir by HIS blood shed on Calvary so that by Grace and through Faith I could be saved! It’s not an ancestry thing, but that also gives me an understanding of HOW all of this is PROVEN through HISTORY of the KNOWN TEXTS that didn’t begin being written until around 3300 B.C. The Holy Christian Bible ALSO says that looking at the sum of creation in the world with its intricacy and indefinable attributes that if we don’t accept Jesus Christ as Messiah Savior, ‘we are without excuse’.

Please read Romans 8, especially verses 38-39 in the King James Version and the NLT. Please see the reality of this Divine Creation that was lost from what Satan did. Please KNOW that we can ONLY reclaim this by accepting Jesus Christ as Messiah Savior to be restored to our original standing with God Almighty the Father through Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ the Son, and with help from the Holy Spirit with the Gifts that have been given if we will JUST RECEIVE THEM! THIS IS ELEMENTARY! Satan deceived humanity and has been since the beginning as revenge for something we don’t really know that had happened BEFORE ADAM. I’m willing to believe in Jesus Christ as my Personal Savior no matter what had happened BEFORE ADAM. I’ve seen TOO MUCH PROOF of His Existence in my own 52 years!

You can make this Rosh Hashanah become your time of Yom Kippur “Day of Atonement’ that is coming up soon by accepting Jesus Christ as your Messiah, Savior, Lord, King, and God. Before too late, please give Him the key to your heart like Eric Champion’s song “Endless” says that I shared before that you can get on iTunes so He can open the lock to your heart as you pray, “Heavenly Father of Creation, I come to You in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. I ask You to forgive me by the Blood sacrifice on Calvary for my sins. I believe Jesus rose again so I could be restored to You. I ask to be given the Gifts you want me to use for You to reach others. I give my life to You as You had Jesus give His for me. In the name of Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, I pray. Amen!” REJOICE IN YOM KIPPUR ON 10/12 AND TODAY!

Here are links to some songs that I adore that remind me why I adore Jesus Christ as Savior, Messiah, Lord, King, and God Almighty of Creation: “Endless” by Eric Champion, “Yeshua HaMashiach” by Scott Wesley Brown, “Over Me” by White Heart, “Jesus Never Fails” by Truth, “Thousand Things” by Disciple, and “Reflection” by DMB Band just as a few that all but one are on iTunes for sale since I support the artists and their ministries. If you can’t afford to buy, most are on YouTube to listen to for free too since we all want people to know Jesus Christ as the Personal Savior more than anything. I suggest you get a Christian Holy Bible in King James Version and/or NLT to find out more about Jesus who knows ALL about you and has been waiting for you for all time. Listen to “Endless” again and know He means you!


Lyrics By Tonja Condray Klein©06/25/2024 then Rev©07/16/2024 ~ Still working on melody ~

Verse 1: Lies meant to overwhelm truthHatred to poison mindsPlans to destroy all that’s goodWith power the reason whySome people are barely livingHardships are way too muchWe used to be the free and braveBut too many are out of touch

Bridge: We need full restorationSince there’s a better wayTrump can make us great againSo American greatness stays

Chorus: Others can’t understand himOr why he’s still so boldThey think his words are just meanThey’re just deaf to his toneHis actions are for the helplessHis anger over those they’ve scornedHis revenge will be his successAnd they have been forewarnedThey might try to break himThey might drag him downBut they can’t make him get lostFreedom’s cause he has foundThey hate what we all stand forYet think he stands aloneBut he will fight for all of usHis strength’s not just his own!

Verse 2: The American dream needs revivedThe American spirit rebornThe only way is to do your partRaise your voice in VOTE formDon’t let others fool youTheir promises are in vainGive our country back its heartAnd let our Freedom reign

Bridge: Yes, this is a battleHe’ll fight for me and youLet’s VOTE our marching ordersThen we can see this through

Chorus: Others can’t understand himOr why he’s still so boldThey think his words are just meanThey’re just deaf to his toneHis actions are for the helplessHis anger over those they’ve scornedHis revenge will be his successAnd they have been forewarnedThey might try to break himThey might drag him downBut they can’t make him get lostFreedom’s cause he has foundThey hate what we all stand forYet think he stands aloneBut he will fight for all of usHis strength’s not just his own!

“George Orwell Was Forty Years Early But This Still Might Be Too Late…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©06/09/2024

I watched the BBC version of the book 1984 – NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR by George Orwell after reading the book again. I’d never seen any film adaptation before, but if I’d thought the book was frightening to read then I should’ve known any of the live action would be even more disturbing. The problem is that in 2024 I’m seeing that we have veered off our path of personal freedom to finally give into our own ‘Big Brother’ in reality! I used to trust the ones we vote into government when I was younger and thought that America had fought past the Authoritarian, Communist, Marxist, and Socialist groups influencing or trying to take over our government since we’d learned from our past and had been trying to implement more balances to stop anything like that from happening. Any of us who did think that were VERY wrong.

I won’t point to any single event that should have alerted anyone my age. The eighties were just the recovery from the seventies, and then the nineties were time to celebrate our country and prosperity. Two thousand was a turning point in technology even more than in the past thirty years then, but we were so used to our ease of life with further developments, we never thought to look at the growing power some groups were acquiring at our own expense. Do any of us right now? I’m not sure how many are observing the signs but still not willing to give up amenities that they feel they’ve earned from going up in status, position, or power. As upper Middle Class goes up and lower Middle Class falls down a notch then that means the upper lower class is getting even more crowded and the lowest lower class suffers like slaves or maybe worse.

What does that mean for regular hard-working Americans? It puts ALL of us closer to becoming the slaves of the Upper Ruling Class who are trying to take away any resistance to whatever government type they are trying to replace our Constitutional Democratic Republic with to then become ACTUAL dictators in name and actions. THAT is coming if WE THE PEOPLE fell asleep! Watching the ending of the movie adaptation of the book, I felt so dejected about Winston and Julia who both lost each other when ‘Big Brother’ tore them apart to get them to betray each other, lose all their reasons to fight for freedom, and were indoctrinated AGAIN. I shook my head and thought, “How could they give in and not fight?” I then thought about what could be used against ME – medicine, family, and Faith. It’s scary how easily it could happen.

What about you? As a Christian who has believed since I was eight and will be fifty-two in September, I’d like to think my faith in Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty could keep me from denying Him for any reason. I can only hope and pray it never comes to that for me since I already have a problem keeping my anger from coming out over regular daily frustrations. As to ‘Big Brother’, right now I’d like to take a big political gun and shoot every ‘follower’ that would try to take my rights away from me as a Christian American, but most of those we know on sight are only the pawns for those with the actual power. I think most of those who feel as I do also know we are waiting until we have no choice but to fight or give into the growing despotism. I hope I’d be brave enough to stand up even if I’d die fighting.

This might sound really scary to some who have never read or seen the BBC movie, but as things get crazier and more unlawful in America that used to be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, I think each person should ask his or herself how much is too much to take from corrupt politicians? I’m not talking about the person just indicted either but the ones who orchestrated the most dishonest use of the American legal system EVER done to date! Disagree with me all you want, but I call it as I see it, and since I have READ A LOT of History, I think I have enough common sense and intelligence to see it for what it is and call it out for what it was used to do. America is on the brink of losing FREEDOM completely, but if people don’t stop giving into the lies from the news being blathered all day then AMERICA will end!

Do you have any concept of how many Gen-Z-ers know NOTHING about REAL HISTORY? Diluted and lying information is indoctrinating their generation to ready them to become complacent to allow this political change to reach completion. Gen-X and even Gen-Y (Millennials) had some History taught to them without replacement information, but I’d bet the majority of Gen-Z know relatively NOTHING that is TRUE. Since I was going to be a History teacher at one point in my life, this makes me want to sob while I pull out a theoretical computer machine gun to destroy ALL the lying digital text books in existence. OH, HOW I WISH! Media also LIES EVERY FREAKING DAY! Freedom of the Press was meant for Americans to be told FACTS, not to let one party control every single narrative of all the situations in life.

I’m a Conservative Independent since both parties seem to have the same kind of turncoats in them. It can be hard to vote when you’re voting for almost the same party no matter which side that is. That is being done to BLIND US. Each side gets a bit of what they want so they give a bit of what the other wants as long as the people stay ignorant of it so all of their power remains intact, much like what ‘Big Brother’ did in the same exact way. Trump was the outsider to see that a disparity needed rectified and decided to act. THAT is his real ‘crime’ that both sides are working against to stop him from doing what REAL Americans want him to do – END THE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA! Almost all of those politicians make promises they don’t keep, but Trump fulfilled ALL BUT ONE that the rest of government stopped.

For years Americans have watched as LIE UPON LIE has been fed to us as those with money seem to get richer and those that are poor seem to get poorer. Those in the middle had two ways to go – decide to pony up to the ruling class and surrender your individuality for their plurality OR maintain allegiance to FREEDOM and try to just hunker down to be ignored if possible… even if you put up op-eds to point out the TRUTH to others. Without having much money keeps you from being noticed. Who cares what Tonja from Ohio says anyway? Hopefully those reading this now, whether you agree or not, and you’ll think about all of this now. If you haven’t read 1984 – Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, you can get it at library for free (if they haven’t removed it yet). IT’S AMERICA’S FUTURE IF WE DON’T STOP IT!

You can let the politicians spin their narratives and give into the lies they spout out of their mouths OR you can READ and learn their playbook to counter it and SAVE OUR COUNTRY! Anyone who HAS read book could possibly understand what I’m warning everyone about that is being put into motion so the same system will be in perpetual power that will have the ability to keep rewriting history DAILY so people remain unaware of what USED to be reality as they are being DENIED everything they should have on a daily basis because ‘Big Brother’ knows better. Their ‘Big Brother’ NEVER KNOWS BETTER, AMERICA! THAT is why all of the failed governments have same playbook to desensitize citizens to the point they will never be able to reclaim relationships or be truly FREE from their complete brainwashing!

Have American citizens already been so brainwashed and desensitized by political news that seems to be ongoing propaganda like Russia and China? Since they love throwing this in their claims towards conservatives, like evil Nazis? I tell you right now, three men in my family fought in World War II and one died, so when you accuse those of us wanting to keep our God-given rights and Constitutional American Freedom of being one of those damnable bastards that need to stay in Hell then those are fighting words that could lead me to take a baseball bat to anyone who hurls those at me! How Dare YOU!? You lying sacks of crap need to go crawl back to your pigpen and leave the LAW-ABIDING AMERICAN CITIZENS ALONE! While it might already be too late for America, I WILL FIGHT TO NEVER BECOME JULIA!

If you haven’t read the book, get it. It is absolutely frightening how it compares to where America is heading. If you can’t read then go to YouTube Link for 1984 – BBC and watch it. It doesn’t end well at all and had me begin writing this op-ed. If we keep going down the path we currently seem to now be on then THAT is our future! With the blood shed alone in WWII that outcome would be an atrocity and something that those who allow it to happen without any kind of a fight will be held accountable for someday. I refuse to be one of those. The ones not willing to be either might be able to turn the tide before we do go under this wave of indoctrination that could end America. “Freedom is only one generation away from extinction,” according to President Ronald Reagan, and I agree with him seeing what’s happening right now!

Is that terrifying premise already being proven in America in 2024? I hope and pray to God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ with the power of His Holy Spirit that it won’t be this year! I’m trying to put up my opinions everywhere I can to try to bring attention to these happenings that some might be completely unaware of for several reasons that might not even be their own faults. Trusted institutions that used to be respected have now been hijacked from us, and if you just can’t see that yet then you might not realize how close our own networks of every kind have been taken over by those we can’t assume will give FACTS. To them, there are none, but THEIR interpretations are what WE need to know as FACTS for their machinations AGAINST KEEPING FREEDOM for the American people at ANY and ALL cost to ALL OF US!

How many Americans are willing to do whatever it takes to keep your Personal Freedoms? Even if you are with a different religion, background, race, political side, or a self-defining individual you think the present ruling class will just accept, then you need to read the book or watch 1984 – BBC Production that has actor Peter Cushing from STAR WARS to see how those kinds of leaders finally demand that a citizen lose whatever you are most protective of keeping to have you become a useful slave to their political agenda. This is an ongoing brainwashing that can finally lead to the physical torture used to reshape your mental ability that is done by all of the governments I’ve mentioned. No American citizen should be put into ANY mental modifications of ongoing brainwashing or physical torture! WE MUST FIGHT THAT!

“Vada Belle Tignor Condray – HAPPY 93rd Birthday 2024 but 1st in Heaven”

By Tonja Condray Klein©04/27/2024

Mommy, I miss you! I know you are no longer in pain or worried about everything, but I miss you so much and wish I could do so many things that we didn’t get to do at least one more time: eat a Whopper Jr., watch all of the movies we love, listen to the record albums we would sing with, discuss history and the past, laugh together over everything that made us glad to be together, and say goodnight in person instead of on the recorded last time we did now recorded on my iPhone. “Goodnight Sam” from you and “Goodnight Ralph” from me will never be spoken here live again for us.

I will be getting a Whopper Jr. today and a strawberry cake if I can, listen to some songs as I make room in our living room for things we must keep to be reminded that you loved us all with amazing strength and made every single one of our family better with your Christian Faith, never-failing love, uncompromising sense of right and wrong, and an ability to forgive even when any of us were being thoughtless or worse. Mommy, you taught us to always be there for each other even after getting angry over something stupid. Mommy, you were an example we all need to try to be.

Mommy, I have found so many things that you kept from us that are like a treasure trove of our lives. You valued each of us and tried to keep a part of each in pictures and even things we created for you if you could. I was astounded and am still going through everything in your former home that is going to be someone else’s in another week or so. All these bits of us are a reminder that what we did MATTERED TO YOU! I can only hope we each showed you near the end how much all of your care MATTERED TO US! I hope you see all of the good things here from the balcony of Heaven.

HAPPY 93rd BIRTHDAY 04/27/2024, MOMMY! I’m sending spiritual hugs to you while praying that our family already there are giving you so many that you are somehow getting one from each of us here through them too. My Belva Riverside will continue to live in my world of Eirinth for as long as I can write the story and just like you are living a new life in Heaven now, waiting for all of us to rededicate our lives to Jesus Christ as Savior to use our gifts until you come with Him in spirit to be raised first to join us in the clouds and go to safety before the Tribulation begins. Until then…

LOVE YOU, MOMMY… ALWAYS! Tonja Renee Condray Klein

Vada Belle Tignor Condray in 1950’s but possible how she looks now in Heaven!

“WHAT IF ALL of the Legends, Mythologies, and Stories of Pre-History are TRUE?” Eirinth Media Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©04/17/2024

I watch History channel more than any other channel on cable. I was going to be a Computer Programmer and a History Teacher when I first graduated from Northridge High School in 1990 with scholarships. Sickness interfered, but I earned my Webpage Development Certificate later to make websites. I abandoned formal teaching but taught students in church instead. I research ancestry and study history books, biblical and historic texts, and take notes from the programs I watch. When I began using Ancestry as a new way to see history from personal and historical points of view, my love for learning the past in various times of existence was reinvigorated. Once I found links to so many people in my one lineage with different backgrounds, I was blown away by a reality that this white American chick has unexpected nationalities!

King Seleucus of the Seleucid Empire was my 72nd great-grandfather (ggf), King Darius the Great of the Persian Empire (79th ggf), King Belshazzar of Babylon (84th ggf) and King Deioces of the Medes (85th ggf) is one branch of same line. Different branch isn’t as white that far back either with Queen Mariamne the Hasmonean Princess as my 64th great-grandmother (ffm), Priest Mattathias ben Maccabeus (70th ggf), and Levite Priest Aaron (95th ggf) brother to Moses (my ggu!) and backwards to Seth ben Adam (118th ggf). I didn’t know I had a full line of Jewish lineage! I’m a Christian who supports Israel, but having those links all the way back is astonishing to me as an American. Watching other programs about archaeological discoveries in various places and times causes me to question many things of history in general!

How can supposed scientists and experts in many areas of study so easily dismiss the possible answers to HOW historical findings could have happened when humanity had not yet developed the ability to write until 3300 B.C (BCE)? They couldn’t have created the very precise buildings that express the ultra-complex astronomy, engineering, geometry, mathematics, and physics, so how did those with megalithic constructions happen? Of course, a recent HOW has turned into the concept of ‘aliens’ from outer space. What if it’s actually not ‘outer space’ but ‘interdimensional’ beings? Fallen angels could have been here long before Adam was created in -5509 B.C. (BCE), and they could have created all these things to confuse humanity once we developed the ability to ‘date’ items to use to discredit Judaism and Christianity.

What if ALL of the stories from all over the world are actually REAL HISTORY before writing began? I’m a fiction writer but making up stories doesn’t mean I can’t see what could be answers to questions that keep being asked even if others refuse to even consider possibilities of HOW. It’s normal for scientific minds to NOT consider anything their data can’t prove, but when so many historical writings are all thrown away as being delusions of people affected from religions, outlying conditions, or even beings from other planets then we have no way to confirm what happened before humanity could even do more than cave art. WHAT IF what has been dismissed really DID happen on the Earth BEFORE we could even document it or leave actual scientific proof that would survive until humanity understood it?

I don’t have a degree in any scientific discipline, but I READ, ANALYZE, AND COMPARE. I love the “Lost Treasures of Egypt” program on National Geographic as well as those on the History channel. My main frustration I’m sharing in this Op-Ed seems a little like that of historical research writer Graham Hancock. While Hancock’s published writings have been decried by some, his conclusions line up better with what could have REALLY happened instead of what various disciplines toe a line of acceptance with to gain continued funding for their digs. I honestly do understand that course, but I don’t think scientists should be led to conclusions that don’t match actual findings that would cause a real upheaval of perceived timelines that would change human understanding but explain full history more completely.

First of all, I’m a Christian believer and study Biblical Eschatology. I COMPLETELY BELIEVE IN THE HOLY JUDAIC TEXTS AND THE CHRISTIAN HOLY BIBLE. There is NO question for me about Adam being the very first human created by God Almighty the Creator that the Judaic and Christian writings explain. I am not a heretic or disclaim anything that the Judaic and Christian writings have given as a foundation for understanding existing reality. My timing point is that because of what Adam and those after him was able to do, there seems to have been some kind of BEFORE. I’m writing a more researched novel about this concept as I continue checking accepted evidence found that might have been misconstrued and mischaracterized to humans instead of to the actual beings that placed the things for us to find.

IF even some of the Ancient Aliens ‘claims’ in the “Government Investigations” episode about real world leaders ‘speaking’ and/or ‘meeting’ with ‘aliens’ decades ago and even into 2024 then ALL people need to pay attention since it’s not just politics or worldly governments at risk at this point. While there are believers of different religions all around the world who might accept ‘aliens’ as their ‘creators’, I want to also point out that the ‘aliens’ might actually be fallen angels that have worked ever since they defied God Almighty the Creator of the entire universe and possible dimensional levels that we know NOTHING about that could be used to deceive people who are willing to accept them since something like the ‘aliens’ from ‘planets’ seem to ‘make more sense’ and be ‘more acceptable’ than any other ‘god’ from heaven or hell.

Academia, Government, Science, Agnostic, and even Atheist individuals might accept an ‘alien’ leader before they’d ever accept Jesus Christ as the Christian Savior or Judaic Messiah. Regardless of the power that Jesus Christ did show with His life or WILL show on the final Return spoken of in the Christian book of Revelation, there will be some humans who would rather have an ‘alien’ power that encouraged evil practices denounced in God’s Holy Word since it was written and given to humanity. What I’m trying to get through to people reading this is that you can’t run from God Almighty when He returns to set up His Eternal Kingdom on Earth AFTER the Great Tribulation Ends. All believers in Jesus Christ will be taken off Earth to safety during that seven year period to then return with Jesus Christ back to Earth.

I love watching archaeological programs on Discovery and National Geographic. I love watching Ancient Aliens on History. What I don’t love is that very few Christian writers, teachers, and even scientists refuse to offer findings that actually question the ‘accepted’ reality of time on this Earth. There are a few that have and offer other possible timelines while various scientific disciplines only accept ONE finding even if it’s already been dismissed by ACTUAL reality that shows some things are UNPROVABLE with our current lack of written HISTORY during a time BEFORE ADAM. We have some writings deemed as ‘fiction’, ‘legend’, ‘mythology’, or ‘fairytale’ by even early Christian leaders. Some don’t think that’s possible but try to look up how early Christian leaders hid works in the Library at Alexandria millennium ago.

Do I have any proof? The Library of Alexandria was destroyed when Alexander the Great took over, so NO, but scientists can’t discount it either. I base my own BEFORE ADAM theory in part by the some things mentioned in the out of print novel BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL by Dr. Peter Ruckman. I don’t agree with him on much of anything else, but the documented accounts Dr. Ruckman used from 1985 eye-witnesses are possible even if some churches wouldn’t believe it because of it being too ‘fantastical’. I’ve given my opinion on how I feel about downgrading God Almighty. I’ll tell you in another way… GOD ALMIGHTY HAS NO BOUNDARIES OR LACK OF POWER! People today want the Marvel superheroes, and I understand the appeal in this world, BUT JESUS CHRIST IS BEYOND EVERY ONE OF THEM!

This battle between God Almighty the Creator of humanity and Satan (the fallen angel of worship who used to be Lucifer) with his fallen angels could have been going on for millions of years BEFORE ADAM. Is that statement without substantial documentation? Aren’t all of the Sciences’ theories without ways to prove them since we don’t have definitive timelines that SHOW ALL of what has happened on Earth? We can look at the historic ‘samples’, compare known facts to variables of possibilities, and even try manufacturing different dating processes to make things be as viable and exact as is humanly possible. WHAT WE CANNOT PROVE is that humanity did ANY construction on Earth without any help from extra-terrestrial OR interdimensional beings, whether Heavenly angel or fallen angel after Adam and Eve were created.

BEFORE ADAM could have been a completely different existence on Earth if the fallen angels had decided to make beings such as Neanderthals or Denisovans to misrepresent history and biology for when the Homo-Sapiens were created thousands to even millions of years later. Is it possible that God Almighty actually created those two groups of beings then created Adam and Eve? I don’t know, but that is possible too. The ‘Gospels’ state that all of the things that Jesus Christ did could not have been written down because it was so much. Is it possible that pre-history was so long it couldn’t have been written down for that reason too? Or maybe it’s related to whether Homo sapiens would choose to believe what the Bible DOES say regardless of other options given by other religions or worldly theories? It could be.

There are several different writers from various backgrounds that I have read over the years seeking information on historical writings. The more I have read the more I have come to realize that searching and finding historical writings can be completely impossible during certain times throughout records in the United States and all around the world. Some are easier than others if a person was known in history. Most people can’t find those links when doing Ancestry, but even so it shows that even more recent record-keeping doesn’t give as complete lineages as from B.C. (BCE)! Links that I have found (if records are correct) were for historic figures with continued lineages kept from further back in time than I’d ever expected. While women weren’t named as much as men were at times, it was still more than most in the 1400’s-1700’s.

My point is that if records are difficult to find for simple ancestry then how can humanity accept dates for ancient civilizations before 3000 B.C. (BCE)? Why can’t intellectual humans in 2024 look at the reality of ‘lost civilizations’ that are being discovered but can’t be explained yet? If that’s so, could scientific evidence from accepted disciplines have been created BEFORE ADAM? I have a strong ability to suspend disbelief, so my own imagination considers possibilities that not only explain the WHYS, WHENS, and WHATS that science can’t give to us, but also the HOWS Christian and Judaic writings are proven correct within the context of the alternate timelines of BEFORE ADAM. Written Christian texts once in Library of Alexandria might have explained some things that we will see again in the ‘End Times’ that are here now.

Giants, vampires, dwarves, fairies, and even demons of every kind could be coming to a city near you… or might already be here. Not possible? Think again. Read the Christian Holy Bible book of Revelation. There are passages many churches have been avoiding for decades or longer, and some avoid the book altogether. I’ve been studying the prophetic Christian books for forty years of my life now, but even saying that I’m still not an expert. I’m simply trying to challenge believers and non-believers alike to LOOK at what is happening in the world and compare it to Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, the Gospels, Romans, Corinthians, Thessalonians, and Revelation. Beings from another dimension or created here more recently might be what was described in certain Revelation verses. READ the books and don’t be here for movie.

THAT’S WHAT THE OLD ONES SAY by Chief Joseph RiverWind is another book that offers the documented historical evidence found and testified about by witnesses in the past and some more recent. People who refuse to find out about these REAL parts of pre-history that are also mentioned in the Christian Holy Bible but not understood in present-day comparisons with movies that have been coming out since the beginning of cinema. “Too imaginary to be Christian,” some might say. Since I can see the possibility that Jesus Christ used fourth-dimensional Quantum Tunneling to walk on through the wall to get to His disciples after He rose again then it’s really disheartening to think that so many people who claim to BELIEVE in the RESSURECTION can’t see that Jesus Christ did SO MUCH MORE THAN IMAGINEABLE!

We are told in the Christian Holy Bible that there are so many things we can’t even comprehend yet that will be in Heaven. Jesus Christ was a storyteller with His Parables to try to reach the common people with the reality He was trying to do for ALL of humanity regardless of race, age, background, religion, or any other separating aspect since HE WANTS ALL WHO WILL BELIEVE. Those who claim to be Christians need to stop cherry-picking ONLY those YOU deem as worthy. JESUS DIED FOR ALL! As long as someone understands that Jesus Christ died for ALL in each person’s place, accepts Him as Personal Savior, and asks Him to begin remaking that person’s life THEN that soul is SAVED from the eternal damnation that EVERY soul unless that person accept the Gift of Salvation by Grace and through Faith in Jesus.

Simply believe and pray,” Father God of Creation, I come to You in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. I believe He is the Savior of the world and the Messiah of Israel. I ask You to forgive me for my sins born in my blood and then by my actions. Please begin the transformation of my being with the Holy Spirit taking His place in my soul again to restore my link to God Almighty by Faith in the blood-atoning sacrifice by Jesus Christ, His Resurrection to give me NEW LIFE, and His return to Heaven until the final days of the Grace Dispensation are over when He will appear in the clouds to take us to safety before the time of Jacob’s Trouble begins. I believe in the Promises You have given and will share my Faith with others for as long as I am here. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, AMEN!” Now live for Jesus while we can!

“Simon Peter’s Three Denials of Jesus Christ” – Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©03/31/2024

We all have our “Peter” moments, don’t we? Let’s be honest. As we approach the day of celebrating the day we are remembering the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we really should be examining ourselves and rededicating our lives to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ more now than ever before. This world is crazy in 2024, and we’re seeing things even worse than those written about happening in the Christian Holy Bible from ancient times before and at the time of Jesus Christ on Earth. Because of that, I can’t help but think about Simon Peter and the time right before the death of Jesus as spoken of in the Word of God Almighty and shown in movies now like THE BIBLE on History Channel this morning, Easter Sunday 2024. That version is emotionally affecting with its visual of what did happen to Jesus Christ long ago.

Simon Peter had been so strong to support his Savior, but even he had his moments of failure. I’ve always wished to be more like John the Revelator and believe more like Paul the Apostle with his writings, but when it comes to my own stupid lack of anger management I act more like Simon Peter more than the other two. I lose my temper over the stupidest situations and things, and even though I realize my idiocy it’s not before I react in ways I’m ashamed of in moments after. Can you imagine how Simon Peter felt as he watched all that happened to Jesus Christ during Holy Week after betrayal? I know how I feel each time I overreact or say something I regret, but Simon Peter actually claimed to not know Jesus at all. Well, isn’t that almost the same thing when we let our sin natures override the Grace that Jesus Christ bled for us to have?

That IS what I’m trying to point out on this Resurrection Day of Jesus Christ observed today in 2024. There is the reason EVERY SINGLE PERSON NEEDS JESUS CHRIST FOR SALVATION! We can’t do it ourselves no matter how hard we try every single day. Without the Grace given by the blood of Jesus Christ, no matter how much our hearts belong to Him, we can’t keep the sin nature from overwhelming our best intentions to show Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, and Grace that Jesus Christ wants to give to EACH AND EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO WILL BELIEVE. No matter where you are from, what you have done, or how much you think you are not worthy enough to receive what He wants to give, He is the One Who already decided that on the Cross so you only have to SEEK HIM. ASK HIM. LET HIM. It’s that simple.

I watched the scene in that movie where Jesus was on the Cross and died FOR ME. He died for ALL OF US, but I MUST make it PERSONAL by accepting HIM as MY SAVIOR. Even when I fail Him, He still reminds me in ways most people would say He’d NEVER use. Well, I can only tell of my experiences PERSONALLY. I will stand before Him for MYSELF someday, so if I’m wrong about anything then I’ll find out at the judgment seat of Christ. What I know for sure is that HE WILL ACCEPT THE LEAST WORTHY before He would accept those that are only religious without the true Spirit of the Law filling them with the NEW WINE. I’m unworthy, but He still chose me to share with any who will read, listen, and pray to receive Him as Savior, Lord, King, and Son of God Almighty of Creation. Believe in Him to be saved!

“Father God of Creation, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe that He is the Son of God Who came as Your Son born from a virgin to die on the Cross for my sins. Jesus Christ rose again from the dead by the Power of God Almighty, was seen by witnesses alive before He went back to Heaven to pray for us until He comes back to retrieve all of His people to take to safety before Great Tribulation begins on Earth. I ask for Your forgiveness for all of my failures, and I will try to complete whatever You call me to do in these last days. I might fail you, but I will do my best to be what You are calling me to become. Send me to those who need You. Protect me from those who would harm me. Give me the Gifts of Your Holy Spirit to show YOUR POWER so they will find their way to You. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.”

Read the Christian Holy Bible, pray as often as you can, find a Bible-teaching church, and let the Lord lead you to your personal field of Harvest that each has even if some refuse to go. I prefer the King James Version for personal study, but the New Living Translation is amazing to use for comparison and better understanding. I have notes for many prayers, sermons given by others, and basic teachings on my website: I have times when I am so weak that I can’t do the things I wish I could, but until my dying breath I will try to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all I can during the time we have left. I don’t know how long that will be, but I will try to live more like John in how I react, more like Paul in how I teach, and more like Jesus in how I love others. Jesus Christ is Messiah to Israel and Savior to all!

“Mom Just Moved Away…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©03/27/2024

I don’t know my Mom’s NEW name yet. Vada Belle Tignor Condray moved away on February, 27, 2024. Mom’s address used to be across from Hubby Ken and me on Thor Street in Riverside (Dayton), Ohio, America, on Earth. Now, I only know her new dimensional realm is Heaven. Each Christian will be given a NEW NAME in Heaven that ONLY God Almighty knows until He gives it to that person. I don’t know Mom’s new address yet even a month later today. There are untold mansions, and I don’t have a map. I’m unsure if states or zip codes are even used, but the Christian Holy Bible says there are streets. Do you know what I think her NEW street could be? The lyrics “I’m gonna lay down my burdens down by the Riverside…” might tell me that her mansion is on Riverside Lane, Heaven. I’ll find out for sure some sweet day.

Everything we can imagine that links to biblical scriptures is possible. She could have her mansion on Riverside there, but I think she would be at Jesus’ feet for a bit. “Look for me at Jesus’ feet” was a song she loved. Then again, she might have spent the night or two days there before our crazy family and relatives from ancestry dragged her off to tables with them to all taste foods of Heaven while they all shared stories about their lives as she shared hers. I don’t know who from history would go first, but I do know that Dad Truman and Son Alton, cousins Clyde and Betty Qualls, the Tignors, and the Lanes have all pulled over chairs too. Friends too many to name from recent then backwards for almost 93 years living will show up to visit with her happily. Heavenly tea all around will be a must in Mom Vada’s redeemed reality!

The only problem I foresee is that Mom’s southern hospitality could try to reassert itself even there, so the items wanted may simply show up on the tables, but Mom might have moments of thinking about doing all of their dishes. Yes, my imagination is highly annoying, but knowing her like I have for almost fifty-two years I think that could be like her as she is reunited with all of those loved ones in one place at one time for one purpose – welcoming Mom HOME. What an amazing time that has to be! Some people I never knew are there, and those I found on Ancestry would maybe be known through my research are there; but Mom KNOWS ALL OF THEM even as SHE IS KNOWN by all of them. Each has a new spiritual body until physical resurrection happens when Jesus Christ returns in the clouds to move ALL believers.

Those in Heaven could have gifts and abilities humans lost back in Eden when Adam and Eve fell from Creator God Almighty’s Grace. Jesus Christ came to reclaim all who believe in His blood being given for Salvation by Grace and through Faith in Him if each person will accept His promise. Mom Vada did. I did too, so I have hope to see her again, if not after the rest of my own lifetime then sooner when the Rapture (supernatural change then people moving) of Christian believers from Earth happens that seems to be closer every single day. WATCH THE FIG TREE. For the last forty years of my life, Israel’s part of scriptural prophetic End Times that were foretold millennia ago is happening in real time. I’m unable to accept what other ‘preachers’ are teaching now since much of it is the very opposite of TRUE spiritual reality.

Mom KNEW what she believed. I KNEW that she KNEW, and on the evening of 02/26/2024 I sung to her at her STNA great-granddaughter Brook’s place where Hospice care was being given, talked with her about us being okay if she wanted to go, hugged her then kissed her forehead after recording her saying, “Goodnight Sam” before I said, “Goodnight Ralph”, and then I went home. I didn’t know I was saying goodbye for good in this plane of existence, but Mom passed in her sleep the way she, my sister Janice, me, and most of our family wanted… peacefully picked up by a spiritual transport to Heaven. That might sound fantastical or even fictional to some, but I believe it’s actually realistic when it comes to any believer in Jesus Christ as personal Savior, Lord, King, and Son aspect of Creator God Almighty. It’s just supernatural.

Is it possible that spiritual leaders have embellished the actual powers of the Creator God Almighty? If anything, I think they have DIMINISHED the actual majesty and Power of the One True Living God of Creation out of fear or misled sensibilities that such things could be seen as ‘magic’. Who in their right mind would want their God to be so mystical and powerful to actually be real? I DO! I have been witness to and instrument of the use of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit of God Almighty in churches, and I tell you now with every bit of my sanity and scientific research acumen: GOD’S GIFTS ARE REAL. I pray in tongues every day. I’ve been used in healing and with messages and interpretations since thirteen. I WAS NOT TAUGHT HOW TO OR BRAINWASHED TO DO IT. The Christian God Almighty IS the Miracle Maker STILL.

Than why didn’t He heal Mom Vada? I don’t know. She had fought with all of her Faith and her personal grit, but she was no longer able to do things she had loved to do. She had always never wanted to become a ‘burden’, and although none of us felt like she was, she was living in bed by then. Maybe God had thought her race had been run and decided we needed to let her go to her place with Him and those our family love. Anyone who knows me at all knows how much I’ve always loved my Mom Vada. Telling her that she could go if she wanted to was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, but it was the right thing to do FOR HER. We had the funeral and tried to make it be a celebration of her life and family. My world has grown dimmer without her. I have NEVER been without her in my almost fifty-two years, and it really hurts.

I have to still go through her things in the mobile home across from ours, get things of hers to different members of our family who want to keep them, and put things I can’t part with into storage for safe keeping. There’s no treasure or valuables; only memories live here now of the 92-year-and-ten-month-old woman as a wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great-grandmother, sister, aunt, cousin, babysitter, and friend. We will remember and share stories of her with those who will be after us if time goes on. Yet she is NOW sharing her stories with those who saw some of her life through the windows of Heaven and celebrated even more when she came Home. I share their joy in her finding her NEW HOME. My tears are for ME now because I MISS the HER before the cancer. Love You, Mommy… ALWAYS.


My Mom passed away on 02/27/2024 at 92 years old and only two months away from turning 93. She was the inspiration for my Eirinth character Belva Riverside, but she’d always been my inspiration for my entire life. I know she is no longer in pain from cancer she was battling, but I miss her since she had been part of my life for all of my almost 52 years now, especially since she’d lived across the same street in the mobile home park where Ken and I still live now. Ken has been in the hospital since only a week after her passing, but I’m praying for his return to our home before Mom’s funeral on 03/19/2024. It will be Livestreamed at link listed on her page that is above. I will be singing song she asked me to do for her, so please pray I will do her proud!


By Tonja Condray Klein©01/25/2024

I have been wounded by the Christian church several times. I was
betrayed by some I trusted with all that I am, and that is not something a believer in Jesus Christ can quickly heal from to trust others again. If you’ve known me for any time at all then that might surprise some since I’ve been in church for most of my life. That’s a part of what makes something like this hurt so much. You think that you’ve found your church FAMILY to joyfully worship with, think are actually friends, and personally adopt into your Faith life; but then they suddenly reject the main things you shared with them as your God-Given calling with Gifts you have no doubt God Almighty gave to you for HIS purpose to reach the lost that so many others seem to ignore. It hurts more than about anything the world itself could do to you personally.

Some might simply say that I need to pray, forgive, and move on. That’s easy to do if you don’t actually care for those that used to be part of your world that you had to walk away from just because of the actions of a few or even one. I HAVE forgiven and I KEEP praying. I can’t help but wonder if this is not just happening to me but also the reason WHY the real Revival hasn’t happened in churches yet. It might be. Such hurt between those all supposed to be serving the same God Almighty of Creation Who gave His Son Jesus Christ for humanity might be what the REAL enemy (that is SATAN) could be using right now. Hatred between church denominations, races, political parties, and any divisions used could be the ploy of the destroyer of this world if the True Church doesn’t WAKE UP and REACH OUT to ALL who are LOST!

The song “Thankful Heart” by Petra came into my heart on January 8th, and that led me to listen to their album “Back to the Street” from 1986.
The song name of this Op-Ed’s title hit me like a ton of bricks! Russ Taff’s song “Shake” has always been one of my favorites to instill the need to pay attention to what’s going on in this world at any given time. Petra’s song reminded me that the ‘Shake’ is going to begin with the house of God… to the real Church of the Lord Jesus Christ! How many believers are ready for that? Do we understand what it could really mean? Petra’s song makes it really clear that we might not understand WHY some things are happening, but maybe it’s WHY some (or even most) are blind about it right now. It breaks my heart since even
though I’ve been hurt I don’t want ANYONE to be lost by dismissal.

Since 2020 so many have lost family, friends, and loved ones due to
Covid-19, and that loss has maybe hardened the hearts of people to an all-time stone condition. That’s also the reason WHY we all need to reach out to each other in a kind and understanding way of other’s burdens so that healing can begin. If we don’t get our own Houses in order then the final Revival might NOT happen before the Rapture takes place. Do any of us really want to see people be lost and go to Hell because of hurt feelings, unresolved anger, or festering revenge just because some Church person failed to help you? I DON’T! I don’t
want to be the reason why a single person refuses to accept Jesus Christ as Personal Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty! No matter what happened to me or how upset I’ve been, I CHOOSE to forgive ALL who hurt me.

THAT is part of the ‘Shakin’ the House’ that some might not understand. Many view it as getting more ‘religious’ for the sake of seeming ‘Godly’ to others but without honest spiritual growth. It seems like the majority isn’t even paying attention to the heart of the real ‘shaking’ this means – YOUR OWN HOUSE! Some in Christian churches have become worldly to the point that unbelievers wouldn’t even be convicted of sins. Conviction leads to Salvation by Grace through Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! I deal with my own shortcomings daily and pray my lapses haven’t caused a single person to turn away from Christ. I fail, but God Almighty through Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit has NEVER failed me! I’ve questioned things that have happened and been hurt over outcomes, but Jesus has been faithful to me for my whole life.

I’m sure many Christians today with all that’s been going on have
struggled to keep their fires of Faith burning to be witnesses to those who don’t know Christ as Savior yet. At the same time, there seems to be an overwhelming amount of those claiming to be ‘Christian’ who don’t even believe in true Salvation by Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ for sins. THIS IS A PROBLEM! False doctrine, false teachers, false prophets… Jesus Christ told His disciples to TURN AWAY from them. We need to be reading the Christian Holy Bible to know what is RIGHT so we don’t accept what is WRONG. I might not have all the answers someone might ask me, but I KNOW when I hear something that is OFF. If you ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding as you read, HE WILL DO IT. It’s time we ALL STUDIED the Holy Bible.

I have Bible Sermon Notes up on my website for anyone to read for FREE! I also have some essays, links to other study helps, and even prayers for different circumstances. I’m not always right, but I believe in what I’ve written and shared with others in my life and on this website. I’m still mainly Assembly of God in my beliefs. I don’t agree with some restrictions that some teach or the even stricter ones by others, but I do try to live by the teachings of Apostle Paul, and he told Timothy to ‘study to show thyself approved’. If what I have taught or done is wrong then I’ll answer for it at the Judgment Seat of Christ. If you refuse Christ because you got ticked or hurt at someone who failed you or something someone said then YOU
will still be responsible for your own soul’s damnation if you refuse  Jesus Christ.

I can’t blame those who failed me for the choices I made after them
since we each are responsible for ‘our own soul salvation with fear and
trembling’ because each of us is supposed to read the Holy Bible on our own to find what it says for ourselves! No preacher will be responsible for you refusing the Salvation that Jesus Christ gave to each of us by shedding His Blood on Calvary to redeem each of us from sin. EACH PERSON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT SOUL! NO ONE ELSE is responsible for YOURS but YOU. Jesus Christ being accepted by a best friend, parents, grandparents, or link back through ancestors doesn’t save YOU. Jesus Christ accepted by your Sunday school teacher, youth pastor, or church pastor doesn’t save YOU through them either. ONLY YOU CAN CHOOSE JESUS CHRIST PERSONALLY!

Let me start spitting bars – to keep from ending up in Eternal Hell that will happen to you if you don’t seek the ONLY Salvation from Sin, YOU
PERSONALLY must accept Jesus Christ as YOUR SAVIOR by believing HE did all He did for YOU. It is a Spiritual transaction in Heaven – By His Grace and Through Your Faith that He shed His Blood IN YOUR PLACE on Calvary will settle the balance of your own Soul’s Ledger since your age of accountability! If you let His Love into your heart as His Holy Spirit reactivates your spiritual soul-to-God connection that all humanity lost in DNA when Adam and Eve sinned in Eden. Once this major spiritual transaction is applied to YOU God Almighty sees YOU through the blood of Jesus Christ that COVERS YOU upon acceptance for as long as YOU BELIEVE IN HIM!

Yes, there are many religions in this world other than Christianity,
and I respect the rights of others to believe in their chosen faith. I simply have studied the Christian Holy Bible and seen that it makes the most sense spiritually. It also does historically, archaeologically, geologically, biologically, and psychologically. Some might argue against that due to those sciences, but I’ve read enough to wade through pseudo-science muddle to find misunderstanding timelines and even an unwillingness to see that science and Christianity are NOT at odds if everyone would be HONEST and not make stuff up that has NO proof at all. Christians need to get over Darwin used as the main
point of contention against ALL sciences. Real Science Facts point to something before Adam and Eve, so accept it and preach Jesus Christ to ALL RIGHT NOW!

My possible non-fiction book title is BEFORE ADAM, and some actual Science facts explain how incongruities with the originally accepted Christian timeline, Carbon-14 dating not being as reliable as stated,
and technologies pointing to certain things that really DID happen BEFORE the dating of Adam being created in 3762 B.C. will explain WHY two different timelines of Earth existing does NOT disclaim the most important one of Jesus Christ having become humanity’s Savior after homo-sapiens fell from Grace to need HIM since He was ‘slain before the foundations of the world’. It seems Cain comingled with a possible Neanderthal or Denisovan for Nephilim giants to enter his line. When Jesus Christ died for humanity He died for ALL of the
resulting humans. Mary’s line was from ONLY homo-sapiens DNA.

Fallen Lucifer renamed Satan tried to use the divergent DNA from
other beings before Adam with Cain and fallen angel spawn with human women to create Nephilim giants to pollute the lines of humanity, but God Almighty KNEW the end from the beginning, so the line through Seth was preserved to allow our Savior to be born of a virgin with the Father’s blood of God Almighty for Jesus Christ to have the lineage of King David and Priest Zadok through Mary to make
Jesus Christ meet the prophetic demands as Jewish Messiah (Christian Savior), Priest, and King. Mary’s husband Joseph wasn’t the biological father of Jesus Christ, but he ALSO had proper lineage so there would be no discrediting the full lineage of Jesus Christ legally. While Judaism doesn’t recognize Jesus Christ as their Messiah, many Jewish Christians HAVE.

Shakin’ the House should lead Gentile Christians to STOP hating and
blaming the Jewish people for the death of Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ GAVE HIS LIFE… NO ONE took it from Him. I’ve read Christian leaders in our history make very anti-Semitic statements that are NOT TRUE. Ancient Jewish spiritual leaders like the Pharisees and Sadducees were part of what led to Jesus Christ being crucified, but they still did NOT have the power to TAKE the life of Jesus Christ on their own. NO man did. Jesus Christ GAVE HIS LIFE FOR ALL HUMANITY. If hating those responsible for what did happen you should add Rome and all the other nations of people who were THERE and did anything to Jesus Christ. NO MATTER OUR PAST ANCESTORS, WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE! We need to acknowledge THAT REALITY.

The Christian Church needs to embrace the Jewish believers in Christ
and unite the two groups that share twenty-four thrones as written about by John the Revelator in the Christian Holy Bible New Testament book of Revelation. That might become the HOW a final Revival begins soon! Gentiles are not the only ones represented in the End Times. Jewish believers in Jesus Christ were the FIRST CHRISTIANS and are ALSO part of what makes the COMPLETED Christian Church of the Lord Jesus Christ as Jewish Messiah AND Savior of ALL others! Satan using this hatred to divide those supposed to be working for God Almighty of Creation has always been part of his playbook. Christians should be more aware of this in 2024, but many seem to let divisions between Gentile and other cultural believers discount those others.

ALL Believers in Jesus Christ as Savior: we each need to get our own
house in order before it’s too late! We ALL MUST be praying for ourselves and others, reading the Holy Bible for clarity, and living our lives to witness to the others in this world as time seems to be running out for the Grace Period of Biblical Dispensations. Yes, it seemed to have been thought when Jesus Christ rose back to Heaven that He would return in a short time by the original Disciples. Back then there wasn’t what needed to be in place for it to happen prophetically. NOW is VERY different. We MUST be aware of our limited days to show the love of Jesus Christ to a world we ALL have FAILED since an unknown
amount of people still need JESUS! Each and Every person who claims Christ as Savior has a CALLING TO FULFILL RIGHT NOW.

You might not be able to preach, sing, play an instrument, or do major outreach due to a number of reasons, but we all can still PRAY and show HIS LOVE to others around us wherever we go. We ALL need to stop judging those who still need to understand the REAL GOSPEL of Jesus Christ without the church indoctrinations, meaningless platitudes, or constrictive dogma that WILL NOT SAVE THEM. Stop preaching hate and start sharing LOVE! Call sin what it is AND give the answer to their soul deficiency – JESUS CHRIST! The Holy Spirit is the
ONE who brings conviction to a person that leads to Salvation. Christians can’t do it themselves. ONLY the Holy Spirit can begin the transformation of a human soul being SAVED BY GRACE AND THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST! Share Jesus Christ
until we leave…