“Hanukkah Link to End Times and Eirinth Novels as Foretelling of Completed-Church” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©12/31/2024

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior in 1980. I found out a few years ago that I have an ancestry link to Israel by Simon Thassi Maccabeus, Prince and High Priest of Judaea, son of Mattathias ben Yochanan Maccabeus Hasmonean of Judaea, through my mother Vada Belle Tignor Condray line backwards to her great-grandfather William Lane. This is a main reason why I began celebrating Hanukkah since I have line to the Fighting Maccabees that instituted holiday after defeating the leader of the Seleucid Empire(who I also have a link to by same line) and restoring the Jewish Temple by cleansing then re-dedicating again to Elohim of Israel and Father God Almighty to Christians. I had hoped to find way reaching Christians and Jews as well as Anime watchers and Fantasy readers in a different parable-styled allegory.

I have been watching Sid Roth and Jonathan Cahn who are leading the Jewish people everywhere to know Jesus Christ is THEIR MESSIAH and Savior! As a born-again Spirit-filled Christian I have always known that Jesus Christ is Messiah for Israel and Jews abroad AND the Savior for the world. When I began writing my first Eirinth book in 2009, I had chosen to have two main groups of fighters for the God of Eirinth in Tenrai Daystar to represent the two groups for God Almighty in Jesus Christ on Earth – Bengosha are Christians and Kouken are Jesus-believing Jews! This was meant to bring about not only a revival in Christianity to accept the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to reach souls, but ALSO a revival for Israel and Jews ALL OVER THE WORLD to come to Christ! WE ARE MEANT TO COME FULLY TOGETHER!

What I didn’t know was that by the time my second book was released in 2019 that we would be facing one of the Hanukkah Link to End Times prophetic times of judgment as stated in the Word of God. I hadn’t heard of Sid or Jonathan yet, but now in 2024-soon-to-be-2025 I have found their teachings to seem like what I’d hoped my books could help lead us all to experience in preparation for the last great revival since things from prophecy are happening almost daily if we’d LOOK, LISTEN, READ, AND COMPARE! Apparently a majority of Christians seem to not willing to find out anything anymore. It hurts my heart to think about all of those that WE ARE FAILING AS CHRISTIANS! If anyone should now be watching news, reading the Bible, and making notes so we can get ready and help others, IT SHOULD BE US ALL!

As I see Sid Roth, Jonathan Cahn, and Michael Yousef reaching out to Jews and others, I can’t help but think that American Christian churches have reached such a state of Apostasy that unless we get ourselves back in the Spirit of God with His Holy Spirit Gifts to spread His Salvation then we will stand before the Lord God Almighty at the Judgement Seat of Christ and be shown WHO we missed by NOT sharing Jesus to WHOSOEVER and ALL WHO WILL! As we reach a new year with a new hope of evangelizing every place we can reach, we need to examine ourselves to see if we are really giving the FULL GOSPEL! So many are so against the Gifts of the Spirit listed in I Corinthians that they reject the HELP that God sent to us as explained in Bible book of Acts. There are imitators and false spirits, but the Holy Spirit IS REAL.

I know I keep teaching this, but for goodness’ sakes, WHY do so many people REFUSE the Gifts that helped the Disciples of Jesus Christ to begin the greatest re-alignment of Faith in history! Since some of the Jewish people are now beginning to see that Jesus Christ is their Messiah Yeshua, I would think that Christians would want to accept ALL of the supernatural Gifts that God Almighty sent for every believer who will follow their calling to reach a world that is giving into old satanic spirits from the pagan times that are re-entering America because so many are rejecting beliefs that made our USA be the “The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!” We are now becoming ‘the land of the bound and the home of the weak’! WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN! We have another four years of Faith, so WE MUST USE IT!

Church apostasy is becoming an absolute reality. Even though I’m not an ultra-religious denomination believer, I believe in what the Apostle Paul wrote about the Holy Spirit, the Rapture of the Church, and the Great Tribulation that is growing closer EVERY SINGLE DAY. Yes, I should type that I don’t mean to scare anyone, but guess what? I DO! It is getting too close to the LAST DAYS spoken of when ALL Jesus-believers need to be SHINING THE FULL GOSPEL to all like never before! WE NEED TO EACH BE AN ELIJAH! The evil spirit of Baal is working in America RIGHT NOW and has been for almost FIVE DECADES! If you want to know what I’m talking about, you need to watch on YouTube the videos by Jonathan Cahn and read his books that tie all of the End Times prophecies with Jewish history. IT FITS!

Yes, we need to beware of false teachers, preachers, and gift users, but we can’t let fear keep us from knowing the amazing POWER that we are given to SHOW unbelievers that Jesus Christ IS The One True-Living God Almighty of All Creation! Some people need to EXPERIENCE that to get through the shackles this world has on them that some don’t see on their own lives. Unfortunately, some Christians don’t even see the ones they haven’t let the Holy Spirit help them just throw away those that snapped as soon as they accepted Jesus as Savior. Broken chains can be tiring to carry if you don’t let supernatural POWER give you the strength you need to be FREE completely. Some broken chains are an ongoing fight against even when it gets to only one link left. We are ALL in a state of being transformed spiritually until the Rapture.

Christians need to be aware of the necessity to reach out to Jewish as well as Gentile unbelievers. Some claiming to be Christian in the past have spoken against Israel in complete hatred, and I will NEVER understand it. Israel did NOT kill Jesus. Jesus GAVE His life for ALL OF US. Blaming the Jewish people is a LIE that needs to STOP. Jesus said that Christians would be grafted INTO THE VINE. The VINE is the people of Israel! Old and New Testament saints, whether under the Law before or by Grace and through Faith after are grafted as ONE COMPLETE CHURCH! Why do you think that presently all around the world the two religious groups that are hated the most are Jews and Christians? We serve the SAME ALMIGHTY GOD! Jesus had to die so that by Grace and through Faith could be FOR ANYONE AND ALL!

Each Christian needs to be more aware of who are in individual harvest fields. Different people can be meant for certain places, types of people, and levels of deliverance needed. Do you know your own field? Some can go between but others are meant to stay in a specific one since they have been empowered with what is needed to reach some. Every soul has worth of its own that is beyond any price we have to pay to reach. That is scary to think about sometimes since we can imagine worst case scenarios from the Bible that we honestly don’t want to face or be expected to overcome. We have to remember that God the Father sent His Son in each of our places, Jesus paid the price for each of us, and the Holy Spirit is waiting to help each and all of us. We just have to ACCEPT. BELIEVE, AND COMPEL people to COME WITH US!

I meant my books to be something to encourage and empower Christians in this time. I also meant for them to reach the lost in my harvest field. I didn’t realize at first that the addition of having the Christians and Jewish-believers represented would be something that would be shown as the Completed Church until after I read THE INCOMPLETE CHURCH by Sid Roth. Although I had known about the twenty-four thrones in heaven to represent those two groups, I hadn’t realized that so many Jewish believers in Christ had happened already in present-day time. Since we want the full Christian revival, we need to be praying for a Jewish one first since historic accounts show that’s what usually happens. New Testament writers like Paul said that it’s always been to the Jews first then the Gentiles. Let’s try to help with it!

“Father God Almighty Elohim, we come in the name of Jesus Christ Yeshua and ask for You to help us all to see the writing on the wall of prophesy that You are revealing to those that are willing to receive it. We ask for forgiveness for any lack of urgency in this hour, and we offer our abilities You have given to us to do all that You have already called us to be able to do. Let Your Holy Spirit FALL ON ALL OF US! Open our hearts to Your Gifts. Remove any scales from all our eyes that would interfere with us seeing Your Path. Forgive us for our sins and empower us to reach ALL that we can. Help us to be those “For Such A Time As This”. In the name of Jesus Yeshua, we pray, Amen!” You can read all of the Christian Holy Bible for FREE in various versions at blueletterbible.org. HAPPY NEW YEAR! TK 🙂