“Implement ‘Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel’ to Begin Revival for ALL” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©10/31/2024

Romans 1:16 says, “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Messiah), for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek” to show the given pattern all Christians are mandated to use for evangelism since the Jewish Disciples of Jesus Christ began sharing the Gospel over two thousand years ago. It seems this concept has lost its understanding by those who claim to be ‘Christians’ or followers of Christ in present day ministries. The first believers were Jewish! Gentile Christian believers need to NOT leave out Jewish people they know when it comes to sharing the message of Jesus Christ as Savior of the world AND also their Messiah, Yeshua! This reality seems to have been pushed away by Christian mindsets completely now. Are we NOT reading the Bible?

Finding the one Jewish Ancestry link in my own personal ancestry has redirected my Christian mindset more towards understanding this lack of historic context, not only to the world in general but more importantly to those that claim to be part of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Why have the church leaders over the past few centuries pulled away from sharing the Gospel with their Jewish brethren? Do we even understand Romans 11:12-36, that those not of Jewish faith known as Gentiles were “grafted into the vine” of Israel as the Chosen people of God Almighty, Creator of the universe and ALL of us once we accept Jesus Christ as Savior Who is also Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah? This is the reality of how those two Faiths interconnect and complete the body of the Lord Jesus Christ here on Earth in 2024!

When I began writing my Christian Speculative Fantasy Novel Series named “Rebirth of Eirinth” with Book 1 as BREAKING THE SHACKLES and Book 2 as TREADING THE PATH, I intended to reintroduce this concept to all of the Christian church and Jewish believers in Christ in the fiction setting of my Eirinth to try to get them all to understand how this works spiritually on Earth. As the Christian church needs revival to begin, we need to follow the current Jewish believers in Christ and their resounding message of sharing and uniting as the complete church that includes the gifts of the Holy Spirit being used again like the believers in the book of Acts were and as biblically stated in the Holy Bible for ‘End Times’ Revival that has begun with the Jewish believers and NEEDS to be EMBRACED by the Gentiles NOW!

What is everyone afraid of happening? I accepted and received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in Other Tongues when I was thirteen years old! The gifts make a believer feel the touch of God Almighty in a way that transcends any doubt. The Holy Spirit gave me gifts He used for Messages in Tongues and Interpretations of Tongues to be given during church services for His people and as a sign to unbelievers too. That IS one of the issues for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ in 2024 and forward. Why do you think that the young people are so drawn to fantasy movies? They feel powerless in this world, and the church has taken away the only Spiritual Power of the Holy Spirit! We should be TEACHING THEM how to let the Holy Spirit HELP THEM to get through this world and SHARE JESUS!

The Complete Church of the Lord Jesus Christ needs to be realized and accepted as the way to allow the Revival of the Christian church in America and around the world! Preachers like Jewish Christian Sid Roth and Egyptian Christian Michael Youseff have been proclaiming the all-inclusive Gospel of Jesus Christ in many places Christian groups seem to avoid, especially with the current global conflicts. Then again, those conflicts could be exactly where the Gospel of Jesus Christ could unite not only Jewish brethren, but Arabs and Gentiles too by seeing how the Power of Jesus Christ is being used in supernatural miracles that might lead to accepting the Savior and Messiah that EVERY person needs for Eternal Salvation to happen, even for those lost souls under extraordinary circumstances that could be saved if they will believe.

While Israel needs to be able to protect themselves from radical terrorists, the Power of the Holy Spirit can break through any shadow or evil influence if the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will begin becoming what I recently read that Gentile believers should be: Spiritual Israeli Warriors from being grafted into that vine to use Spiritual Warfare Prayers in the supernatural as Israel fights physically there! Israel needs SIGNS as the Bible states would be needed to reach not only the Jewish Nation but the lost tribes in other nations like China too. It might sound drastic, but the first Church in Roman times HAD TO BE to affect their world then. While we’re seeing an increase of hatred towards Israel, another movement against Christians worldwide is happening too. We need to let the Holy Spirit Power of God REACH THE LOST NOW!

My Kouken fighters in Eirinth are based on the Jewish Nation and have gifts they are born with to fight demons to protect the normal people, but they also need the Bengosha fighters with their gifts that were given to them by Faith in my version of Jesus Christ in that world as Tenrai Daystar. Together they create the complete Eirinth Fighters by allowing the True Element (Holy Spirit) to give them the gifts needed to cast out the demons. This was meant to be used by churches to reach the young people as a witnessing tool, but the concepts I mentioned before has left these concepts lost too right now. I’m hoping this will get through to some people and have them seek the Savior to find the gifts to give them more abilities to reach those in their personal harvest field of lost souls. Jew, Gentile, and every other person NEEDS JESUS CHRIST!

I respect other people’s rights to their religions, but I also know personally that Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world and Messiah is the ONLY answer to lost humanity. I love ALL people and want to share with them even if they are in other religions since they need to be REACHED with the TRUTH and LIFE-CHANGING POWER of Jesus Christ that will fill that empty space in their being that they are trying so hard to do, but only Jesus ever will. It hurts my heart that so many churches try to reach ‘certain people or types’ and walk away from all the others. THAT IS WRONG! ‘Whosoever’ means EVERY SINGLE PERSON can accept Jesus Christ (Yeshua) as Personal Savior and Messiah to find that missing piece that nothing else can complete your heart, soul, and Spirit with since this is the Full Reconnection to the Divine.

Since biblical prophecies are being fulfilled like never before, believers in Jesus Christ need to be REACHING like never before with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Yeshua HaMashiach to reach ALL! The Complete Church of the Lord Jesus Christ needs to include the believers of Yeshua HaMashiach too so we can see that spark of Revival to begin around the world before the Rapture of the Church happens and the Great Tribulation begins. Seeing the same countries being mentioned in Revelation and Jeremiah match with those that attacked Israel in 2023 is an eye-opening FACT. We don’t know WHEN the Rapture will happen, but we know in WHOM we need to believe in order to escape the twenty-one judgments that WILL destroy so much until Jesus/Yeshua returns to save the people not worshipping the Beast!

This is not a myth. This is not a hallucination. This is not a religious tactic. THIS IS SPIRITUAL REALITY. I want every single person reading this to examine your heart, consider accepting Jesus Christ as Personal Savior, Lord, King, God Almighty and Yeshua HaMashiach now and ALWAYS to be saved from the coming storm on the horizon that’s something we need Supernatural help to either get through or escape from experiencing. No other religion has a way out that won’t damn your soul to an everlasting Hell. YOU are the ONLY one to choose which path you take. It’s done as far as Jesus Christ goes since He said, “It is finished.” His blood shed for humanity’s Salvation is a FREE GIFT that you can receive if you just ask Him. As Christians we need to offer to pray this in Love to any person of faith too.

“Father God of Creation, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ the Savior and Yeshua HaMashiach the Messiah to ask that you forgive me of my sins that are present at birth because our human blood line being infected. I believe Jesus is the ONLY Son of God, born of a virgin, sinless at birth since His blood line was from God the Father, predestined to die on the Cross at Calvary for our sins if we will simply believe He paid the price that we never could. Lord, help me to reach as many with Your Love and Promise of New Life as I can from this point forward in the name Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMashiach as part of the complete church promised for the ‘End Times’. Help me to fight as the Spiritual Israeli Warrior in Supernatural Prayer for Your Chosen people and to reach others to be grafted too, Amen!”

The malaise that has overtaken the Christians in America especially is SPIRITUAL WARFARE! Satan is trying to keep us from voting to get in the administration that will protect Israel and the American people… LEGAL American people! This is a reality that EVERY SINGLE PERSON needs to be aware of happening RIGHT NOW! I don’t care what denomination you are, we ALL NEED TO VOTE and we need to SUPPORT THE ISRAELI PEOPLE since we are also part of them as soon as we accept Jesus Christ as Savior since He is ALSO the Messiah and grafts us into the vine of God Almighty’s Chosen People! We DO NOT REPLACE THEM; WE JOIN THEM in God’s Blessings and Promises! We do have our own pathway, but the revival and Jewish leaders preaching Jesus as Yeshua that He is will BLESS US ALL!

Pray against this Spiritual Attacks on Christians in America and around the world! This is all related to the End Times whether we want to accept it or not. THIS IS REALITY! We ALL need to read the Biblical Prophetic writings, see the news for real-time updates, and then KNOW that Jesus Christ is STILL in Control even when it feels like it’s all going to implode. WE MUST ACT! WE MUST VOTE TO PROTECT US & ISRAEL! WE NEED TO UNDERSTAND! This is a timely matter that we MUST PAY ATTENTION TO BEFORE TOO LATE! We Vote this coming week, or we have already, but I’m praying that ALL BELIEVERS IN JESUS CHRIST AS SAVIOR will listen to HIS VOICE and VOTE! OURS & ISRAEL’S LIVES MAY ALL DEPEND UPON IT RIGHT NOW! Please VOTE YOUR FAITH NOW!

Read the book by Sid Roth that helped me see what we as the Christian church are missing and need to do too for the worldwide revival to begin for ALL BELIEVERS in Jesus Christ. Even if you don’t understand, please try to read these two books, one from Sid and the other from Jonathon that can help us ALL see the TRUTH Christ is trying to show!

Jonathan Kahn’s Book is ALSO something that will help you understand what happened related to what is going on right now and what we need to be looking out for and doing to get through this and reach as many as we can for Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, King, God Almighty, Creator, and the Jewish Messiah Yeshua HaMashiach!